
I'm .93 away from our pool's 50 butterfly record.....?

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Does anyone have any suggestions to improve my start, turns, stroke, ect?




  1. keep your head out of the water as little as possible

  2. practice your starts.

    make sure u get off the block as soon as the horn blows.

    next make sure you breathing EVERY OTHER STROKE.

    and just sprint it.

    when you get tired just think ur almost there then you can relax.

  3. starts, turns important

    Starts: if you lean back right before you jump after the whistle blows, your losing valuable time.

    lean forward til your almost about to fall. (dont fall.) grip the block w/ your hands and pull down while the leg that is in front pushing up on your body. this way, your whole body is ready to spring and you wont have to coil back to jump. practice...

    turns are just plain hard to explain. you proabaly already have a good turn and its only 1 turn so just practice getting off the wall faster.

    for a 50, you can probably be able to sprint the whole thing. make sure you have a nice fast pace and rhythm. not just thrashing...

  4. Make sure u dive as high and far as u can and kick underwater 4 a long time. Also breath as little as possible

  5. im in the same situation as you,

    i am .53 away from breaking the rocord.

    make sure you have a fast reaction time off your start and lots of hard kicks off the start. break out really fast!!

    have a great quick turn and sprint the whole thing!!

    hope my advice helped!

  6. it's a little impossible to teach you how to swim over here. why not ask your swimming coach to guide you?

  7. remember on your start to really push with both your legs and arms and then throw your arms forward. Also have a good underwater. The farther you go the less strokes you have to take, however only go til you are at top swimming speed because there is no point in going slower than what you can.

    Make sure you kick up as well as down, really use your legs to power you through the water. keep your arms long, and make sure you are pulling water, as soon as your hands hit the water after your recovery, and pull as much water as possible.

    For your turn, as soon as your hands hit the wall bring your legs up to wall (almost was as if you were doing a back flip), and push off as hard as possible, and get off the wall as fast as possible. Have a good underwater/streamline. If you watched the Olympic trials the underwaters usually made the difference in the outcome of the race. Make sure you also carry the momentum from your push off into and for as long as possible in your swim.

    For your finish, when you reach the flags make sure you know if your need to lengthen or shorten your strokes in order to have a good turn. This can really save time because if you have to glide alot or take a have stroke it can had so much.

    And most important just relax, be confident, and go after.

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