
I'm A 17 Year Old Senior With Future Plans ?

by Guest63674  |  earlier

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I'm 17 years old and I'm a senior in high school you know when your in high school and a senior you have a lot of choices to make so me and my so called best friend were talking and she asked me wanted to do in the future I told her I wanted to be a fashion designer and she laugh and said you will never be coco chanel or Christian Dior so just give it up you'll never become a successful designer so just give it up I cried all that day but was I wrong for cursing her out for crushing my dream and we are not friends anymore I have one question for you yahoo answers WAS I WRONG OR SHOULD I BE HER FRIEND AGAIN girls at school tell me that I was bogus for doing my best friend like that and what should I do to make her swallow what she said if you know what I mean




  1. No she should not have made fun of your dreams.But remember they are your dreams not hers. So never let someone tell you what or what not you will do.You stand your ground and go for it.Bring your dreams to life go knock there socks off, GOOD LUCK!

  2. I don't think you should let anyone talk discourage you from doing what you want in the future. Go ahead and enroll in the classes you'll need to become a designer. Personally I think best friends should support each others dreams.  

  3. i think you were right. it's not right for her to bash your dreams like that. she doesn't know what you're capable of obviously. a friend would support your choice. or at least not make you feel like a joke.

    so i think you might want to just ignore her, unless she apologizes for real.

    she's supposed to be your best friend. not a bad friend.  

  4. Friends should support friends. Remember to always surround yourself with upbeat, supportive people. Don't hang with people that bring you down, but with ones that will lift you up.  YOU do what is in your heart and don't look back. If you want to be a designer, go for it with all the gusto you have. She is correct, you will never be Coco Chanel or Christian Dior, you will be more, if you set your mind to it. Set your goals, and work toward them. You will be YOUR own person, with YOUR own style which will make you UNIQUE. God bless. JB

  5. "Plan your work:And work your plan." I was 23, the first time I read this quote by Mary Kay Ash,founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics. She is so right! Being a Fashion Designer has to be something that you want more than anything. You must start setting your goals now.  It won't be an easy journey, but nothing worth having is easy.

    Don't give up a "best friend" for smarting off. A "best friend" is a rare find.

    Prove it! After she sees that you are truly going to follow your dreams, she will back you up. She doesn't need to swallow anything. Friends have a way of saying hurtful things sometimes.

    You are the only one who can control your dreams and your future. Your friend won't be the last person to say negative things.

    I don't know how much you have done so far,in order to get ready,but the time is now.You can be a wonderful Fashion Designer.

    Follow your dreams. Enjoy your life.

  6. yup you're definitely a girls should both grow are right in getting mad at her comments and you're probably better off without her in your life trying to bring you down...truth is you probably wont be coco chanel or christian dior but if its what you like then go for it and if it turns out you do make it big then you can go back and rub it in her face.

  7. If you have been friends for a long time it seems a shame for your friendship to end like this.  You are both up in the air about your futures and it is obviously a tense time for you both.

    Yes, your friend could have worded it differently but it still would be a shame for your friendship to end like this.

    Contact her and apologise for your part in the way in which you reacted and perhaps she will apologise too.  In situations like this it takes one of you to make the first move. She could and most probably will be upset too but doesn't know how to approach you about it.  Make the first move and see if you can patch things up.  

    Neither of you know what your futures will bring and that is the beauty of life.  None of us know what is in store.  What you learn now from this experience will hold you in good stead for the future and how you deal with other similar situations.

    I hope you do manage to patch things up with your best friend as good friends are hard to find and even harder to keep.  It takes work to keep friendships going and this is just a hiccup in your friendship....don't let this kill your friendship with her as you said she had been your best friend before.

    Good luck. x

  8. I'm linking arms with Pagan Queen to remind you and all those young people who have answered your question that this site is for Senior Citizens, which generally means people over, say, 55 or 60.  You need to be on a school or education site.

  9. Don't ever take someone seriously who tells you that you won't succeed.  

    Those people are a dime a dozen, and next time just say "Bite Me!"

    If a friend continues being negative, remind them of what  friend is.  

    If that doesn't stop them, then you know they are not a real friend.

    It's your future, and only you can decide what roads travel, and what type of people to surround youself with.  Good Luck:-)

  10. she's wrong...almost every girl in my school ends up trying to go into fashion, a magazine, or have no idea and hope they meet a successful boy in college. there are exceptions...

    its actually pretty easy to go about going into fashion, my sister is trying to do the same thing...she's 20.

    look for internships. look for the big name designers. expect not to be paid though. even if you'll be doing the simplest of tasks that have nothing to do with fashion, you'll be able to put on your resume that you worked for this designer, or this magazine. and from there, you'll be able to get a better job int eh field and really do something in fashion later on.

    you should also try studying marketing and definitely take business courses in college.

    and if you're the creative type, try designing something now, and get a little business going.

    as for your friend, she's trying to intimidate you. my sister dealt with the same thing from her friends. one of her friends said something similar to my sister when she was applying for an my sister canceled her application. her friend ended getting the internship...its not good to break friendships but if she's trying to hurt you, put some distance between you and her.

    hope this helps and good luck

  11. well...I am not too good to ask about your problem.

    I am a late 50 year old Senior Citizen...that is what this category is for Senior Citizens.  Been along time since we were in High School.  Good Luck  

  12. Those are the type of people who shouldn't associate yourself with for her to laugh at your dreams like that. Don't worry, continue to pursue your plans and when you are making loads of money you'll have the last laugh.

  13.      If your friend hurt you that much that she was able to destroy your future plans that easy, maybe you should look for a new friend and let your future drop.

         On the other hand. If you have your goals set, now that your a senior, and you should have something in mind by now that no one should be able to change unless you've already tried and failed, then and only then, forget it.

          I wanted to be a carpenter and a doctor, believe that ? I worked construction all my life. The babies come quick, the war came and went, I went to school and school, and more school, I was always going to school of some sort.

          I did try medicine, for four years but, we had to eat, there was that medical politics that would never let you off the bottom and, I was making three times the money in construction so, I had my choices.

          Yo have to have a plan "B" keep this in mind.

  14. The only way you are going to find out if you can be a fashion designer is to go for it. Do not listen to other people. If you give up because of what other people say, then you are going nowhere.  She probably gave you her honest opinion, but THAT does not mean you can`t try.

       It will probably mean work, but that is what you must do to succeed.  It doesn`t hurt to apologize, you know.  Anyhow, if you want to be a fashion designer, GO FOR IT,

  15. Just do what you want to do in life and don't ask others what you should do with it. More importantly than being successful you have to like what you are doing. Your friend was wrong for saying that to you.  

  16. well she was wrong too...i mean unless she was just kidding then u need to learn how to lighten up up...but u should apologize aniiwaiiz u guys r friends after all of u has to b da bigger person

  17. i think you was wrong for cussing her our but she was wrong for busting you bubble -- who knows with a lot of hard work and a few breaks you just might be the next queen of fashion!!!  but i think you both need to sat down discuss it over a coke and become friends again!!!  i am glad to see the ladies come out and give you there words of wisdom and wit!!! ignore the jabs!!!

  18. You were wrong because she was giving her honest opinion....You always want your friends to be honest and tell you what they think even if you do not agree...Now as for what she will find many people in your life who will tell you something similar..."you can not do it" "you are not good enough" " stop dreaming and come back to earth"...Does not mean you have to agree with them...if what your friend said caused you to stop dreaming that dream then it could not have been much of a dream for you...if you really want it no one can stop you as long as you work hard/smart...True friends are very hard to come by...maybe you should both agree to disagree and forgive each other.

  19. Your friend is mean and mean ppl suck.

    Go design your brains out.

    Your whole school sounds wack.

  20. You should not have cursed her. Just tell her no one knows what the future will bring. She was wrong to say those awful things to you, we all have dreams at your age. Sometimes they come true for us. Try to make amends, let her know she hurt your feelings and tell her you are sorry for what you said to her. good luck on your dreams  Poppy

  21. pay attention to small print - you have posted this in the senior citizen section another 40 years till you need to be here

  22. Say nothing, but prove her wrong .  You have a goal in mind, reach it

    Just for your own happiness.   Good Luck

  23. she was just jealous, plain and simple. girls are catty like that. she probably realizes you actually have talent and could become famous one day but if she's going to talk to you like that...i wouldn't want anything to do with her.

    good friends should be your support, always.

  24. First of all, this really doesn't seem like something to lose a best friend over. It sounds like you both over reacted a bit.  I think that you should be the bigger person and just tell her that she hurt your feelings and then just go to the mall or something.  And btw, you don't want to be Coco or Christian, you want to be you...not a copy of someone else.  Good luck and remember that life is just way too short to hold grudges.

  25. those r the friends u drop...they are jealous of u dont let a hater like her tear u away from ur ur dream and go b a designer!!!

    i have friends like that..i want to b a singer..and they dont think i could ever make it..and then they laugh...i just leave em alone and i keep writing my songs and singing hoping for my chance and dream to come..u do the same girl =)

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