
I'm A Beginner In Tennis And I Wanna Know The More Expensive The Tennis Racket Is It Better?

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I Mean The More Expensive The Better Right?,P.s. I'm talking about prince tennis rackets




  1. Well not always more expensive is better.

    It can b bcoz of da style or something else --that make it expensive..

    so don't go by price use da racket in which ur most comfortable with n which suits ur style of playing....


  2. personally, the prince racket is my favorite.

    im okay at tennis and i've used a lot of different rackets.

    usually you sohould ask the person who runs the store, or the clark.

    choose the racket based on the comfort, your height though.

    but buy the prince one if you have a hrd time choosing because its more famous and it has better quality [in my opinion]

  3. In most cases yes but in your situation... not necessarily.

    Just don't go out and buy the most expensive racket, chances are you, as a beginner, won't be able to handle it yet cause it is for advance players and that it is expensive because some player uses it. The new racket line (O3 or speedport for prince) tend to be expensive too but you might find something you can use there. Get a racket that is relatively new in the market maybe until those that were released 3 years ago. Do some research about the racket you want to get and try to demo it. Get one that will best suit your needs (power or control) and your game. If you don't really know what I'm talking about check the link below. It will explain the things that you would need to know about selecting a racket.

    Check this article from It will explain how the weight and other specs of the racket will affect your game:

  4. well not always. ususally when the price get over a 100 dollars it is all about what comforts you... some people take a cheaper raquet just because it feels better to them..the price depends on if a lot of people buy it or not

  5. nope the cheap ones are the BEST.   1. I KNO THis BECEASE I AM SMART 2. BEcause i had tennis raket once apon a time it was a cheap one of corse and the 2nd day i had it it broke so there for it the cheap ones are defenatly the best.  are you stupid of corse the expensive 1 is the better choice lol    

  6. bro a little wisdom tells you a bunch of farmers can win a war with pitch forks against a army of well equipped soldiers(in lamen terms build your skill level up and it wont matter what racket you have)

  7. not always lot of times they raise the price because a famous player uses it and they think you will buy it

  8. prince is very good. the one to get

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