
I'm African and afraid of African-American guys.?

by Guest57937  |  earlier

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I mean I dont know. I live in a town with like 60-70% white people, and every other ethnicity being in the other percent. In my family, I'm the part of the first generation to not live in Cameroon, in Africa. And I spent the first 6 years of my life in England too before coming to the US. And its so weird, like a lot of black people here are so different from me. I'm not ghetto, I don't live like that or want to, and I'm not like a lot of the other stereotypes of black people that I've seen true for nearly all the other black people in my area except for like my cousins and most other 1st Generation Africans here. And I hate how like sometimes some people could have the stereotype in their head just because I'm black . I barely even notice when in situations I'm the only black person in the room or something. I dont mind, and my friends don't either. But like I dont want to be called an oreo because does it mean that because i'm not all 'ghetto' and only listen to rap and hiphop predominantly, that makes me white? excuse me? that makes no sense. and even worse i hate like being flirted with with these older black guys. I'm only 14! but alot people think im older than i am. idk, maybe its my height or idk since I'm only 5'5. like it makes me feel awkward, like when i go to a fair with like some of my friends and then these random black guys there kinda flirt with me its like "nooo". so like at times im afraid of black guys like that. and black girls.. i dont have a lot in common a lot. like once i carpooled with this girl whos african american and has had family here for generations and stuff and like what they talked about in the car, its just so different. totally diff mindset. i hate how some black people think that we're all this one big family. um not necessarily. im not racist against my own race, and i like being black, its just that these guys make me feel uncomfortable when they're like not my age, and im afraid of going into those scary neighborhoods and all that stuff. gangstas, hoes, etc its just like ugh. why do they have to do this to themselves. why cant they just finish school, not get preggers inbetween, then get a scholarship cause god knows how many scholarships there are for like other races. but is just ughhh can someone help me out? idk how to put my question in 1 answer but just kinda being a therapist to this. cause like it even gets to the point where today like i was buying a sandwich from this college store (im not in college, i just came cause my cousin was enrolling in courses and i was hungry so i went to the food court) and i was like afraid of the black guy who was like really friendly. and once again he thought i was actually in college and im like 'no im in highschool'. ughhhh why cant i be normal about this.




  1. nice try, but your not black.. and if you are im sure you would have better things to worry about what other black people think.. or people in general.. being an african american you just learn to deal with what other ppl think of you based off of sterotypes and all.. so its strange that you act as if you just were born yesterday.. i mean your 14 thats old enough to know right and wrong and to realise that the world isnt painted with colorfull rainbows and faries..

    I agree with what that one lady said:

    get overyourself.

  2. Get over yourself.


  3. you are stereotyping black americans. it is obvious that you dont have black friends because if you did you would realize that we are all different and not everyone is ghetto and live in "scary" neighborhoods. you sound insecure because i dont know why you care so much about what people think about you. hang out with who you want but dont judge other blacks since you dont want them to judge you. and dont be afraid of black guys who approach you. as long as they are not threatening you just deal with it. guys will always approach females. it is a fact of life.

    there are wonderful black men out there. the media gives black men a bad reputation. they are not all thugs and gangstas and ex-felons and baby daddys. and it is a shame that you think this way.

  4. It's not uncommon for Africans to come to the U.S and stereotype black Americans.

    Change your views before you learn the hard way.

  5. i get what you are saying but it does sound like you are stereotyping but I don't think you mean too.  There are a lot of successful blacks in this country which means they don't fit in that description of yours.  and that description would fit any race and culture because whits have poor people as well that live in bad neighborhoods and get preggo and never finish school.  I grew up and I didn't want to be all ghetto and my friends were limited but i still had quite a few all through school but after school I wanted to live a different life.  I have lived that different life nice home in the suburbs and all but I go visit my family all the time and I have started comparing life styles.  if yo are interested in my discovery email me this is getting to long of a story here.

  6. If you don't want people to stereotype you, then don't stereotype others.

    Did you ever consider that these boys thought you were older? Trust me, its not just African American boys that do things like that. I would know…

  7. I understand, just learn to stay away from any men or women who give you the creeps, be it black, white, etc...

  8. i'm sorry! I fell asleep! What was your question?

    Lmao@black American!


  9. There aint no way Im reading all that..

    Ill just say dont stereotype all black Americans.They give the same stereotypes to the African and Carribean people in the UK so dont act like its something new.

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