
I'm Allergic to dairy and soy makes my thyroid worse what can I eat instead for protein & calcium?

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I'm Allergic to dairy and soy makes my thyroid worse what can I eat instead for protein & calcium?




  1. Peanut butter is really good for protein and you can buy calcium supplements at the grocery store.

  2. Potatoes are rich in calcium.... alot of veggies are.

  3. Protein:

    Almonds, black beans, cashews, garbanzo beans (chickpeas), kidney beans, lentils, lima beans, peanut butter, pinto beans, sunflower seeds


    Almonds, black beans, broccoli, calcium-fortified orange juice, collard greens, great northern beans, kale, kidney beans, mustard greens, navy beans, pinto beans, sesame seeds

  4. Don't feel alone.  I am allergic to commercial dairy, soy, wheat, corn, eggs, and intolerant to some other things-but I still manage to get everything I need from a veggie diet.  You might look into trying RAW dairy-it literally saved my life.  Commercial milk is full of growth hormones, steroids, antibiotics and other medicines the cows are given.  The cows are also fed a diet full of wheat, soy, corn and other common allergens.  Most people who are diagnosed as "lactose intolerant" are actually reacting to the many things commercial cows are treated with.  I didn't have any dairy for over 10 years, until a friend told me about raw, organic milk.  It contains all of the enzymes needed to digest itself, and is well tolerated by even the most milk allergic people like me.  I now have my own cows, and drink tons of raw milk.  I make yogurt, kefirt, butter and cheese from it too, and dairy is the staple of my diet.  I feel better than I ever have on it.  Diary allergy is probably the most common misdiagnosed ailment going.  Few people realize how awful commercial dairy is.  When milk is pasturized, it kills all of the healthy enzymes and nutrients, so they are added back in artificially-THAT is what most people react to.  Feel free to email me if you want more info.  Raw milk is a great way to get adequate protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals.

  5. Nuts, green leafy vegetables, wholegrain pasta/rice/bread/cereals, beans, seeds, seitan, and TVP.

  6. calcium- rice milk, oat milk, almond milk, or hemp milk

    protein- TVP, brown rice protein, organic food bars

  7. protien- eggs, nuts

    calcium- dark greens (brocolli), fortified cereals

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