
I'm At My Wits End with this kid

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I have sole custody of my Grandchild she has stolden my wedding rings a 52 dimond cocktail ring and my harley ring which is very old she has tore up everything in my house she tears up her cloths toys and everything you buy her where can i take her , Because Counclers cant help her she wont listen and she cares for nothing or anyone im going through h**l My husband has had 2 heart Attacks and has to go through Major Sugery again and she makes life so unbearable that we both can not take no more so there has to be a place that she can go for kids like her because we have tryed everything and nothing works she will be 8 years old and she knows right from wrong the rings and everything she has stolden out of our home was worth about $30.000 Dollars so far so How far do we let a kid take atvantage of us this is not good there has to be a place we can take her because i can not let her stay here anymore other than welfare




  1. Maybe if her mother/ father raised her right until you got her, she would not have as many problems.

    I say not to give up. This poor child has no one and your all she has left. I know it's hard. ALL kids are hard to deal with.

    I would say to sit her down and ask her how she feels. She may feel like you do not care, or no one cares about her at all. You never know unless you ask.

    If you do not want to, you should just put her in foster care to be abused and lonely the rest of her life.

  2. Child services may be able to help. I know that in Florida a child has to at least 9 years old to go to a juvenile detention center. But you could try calling child services. I don't know if you have anything like that, but we do here where they help young dysfunctional kids.

  3. military school

  4. 8 years old??

    Obviously this kid has been through alot..otherwise you wouldn't be taking care of her and she wouldn't be acting out. Mostly children act out for attention, be it negative or positive it doesn't really matter.

    Counseling will work with effort and time...don't think that one session will cure your's just not realistic. It probably took years of h**l for this child to become this way, so it will take months (atleast) of positivity for this child to change. If you give up on her you will only cause her behavior to decline.

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