
I'm Australian-American, can i return to Australia using my American passport and expired Australian passport?

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I'm currently in the United States and my Australian passport just expired. Its going to cost me several hundreds of dollars and a trip to the Australian embassy (plus i have to find someone eligible to sign and verify my passport photo) to get a new Australian passport.

I also have an American passport (I was born a dual citizen) that is current.

So do you think i can get away with flying to Sydney on my American passport. I know Americans don't need visas, just a return ticket... what if i show them my Australian passport and explain i couldn't renew my passport in time.

I know they prefer you to use your Australian passport when leaving and entering the Australia. Do you think they would give me a hard time?




  1. The info about the ETA is correct but technically this would only allow you to stay in Aus for 3 months as a tourist so could cause problems if you state on your entry card that you are staying longer. ALso if you don;t leave after 3 months, if you do the same again inthe future, their system will tell them you have not left and may cause problem then,

    Best to check witha  phone call to the Aus embassy to see what thebest action is. Tell them everything and see what they say.

  2. I am an Australian with an Aussie passport.  I got married and my name changed and I had to get a new Aussie passport.  I did not have to go to the Australian Embassy to get it.  All you do is apply and they mail it to you.  Give them a call 404-760-3400 ... they were always very nice and helpful to me.  You will be fine if you just use your US passport and have an ETA.  You can get one online for around AU$20.  I use for my daughter whenever we go home to visit (she was born in US).  Good luck!

  3. The following quote is from the US Embassy in Canberra:  

    "Americans visiting Australia for 90 days or less (for either official or private travel) may enter Australia without a visa stamped in their passports. However, American travelers must receive an electronic travel authority (ETA) from the participating travel agent or airline. An ETA clears the traveler electronically for entry into Australia. Alternatively, travelers may request a visa from the Australian Embassy or nearest Australian Consulate."

    So it seems that if you don't have the ETA, and try to enter on the US passport you might have a hard time with immigration.  Theoretically, you should not travel anywhere with a passport that has only 6 months left on it, so you should have renewed the Aussie passport some months ago.

    Have you contacted the Australian Embassy about this and explained the situation? It will only cost you around AUD$200 to renew it, and there's bound to be someone who can sign the photo.  Just ask the consular officials.

  4. i think you should be ok, just because you dont have a valid aus passport doesnt mean your no longer a citizen. If you have any other documentation proving you are a citizen id just take that too. But it would pay to double check with the immigration agency  

  5. Americans DO need a visa or ETA to visit Australia so you would only be allowed to stay for 3 months if you enter Australia on your American passport

  6. If you have a current US passport then you can use thats to travel to any country, you only need one pass port to travel even if you are a dewel citizen of 2 countries. In order to use your Australian passport, then yes you will need to renue your Aussie passport coz even a little bit out of date it is concidered in vailid, but if I was you I would just use my current US passport, coz it does the same thing, tells the authorities exactly who you are, and it is still vailid and legal to use by law. Hope this helps. :]

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