
I'm Babysitting a pet rat for my friend...?

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I just want to know if there is anything certain i should know when I'm babysitting it cuz I REALLY don't want to accidentally well.. kill it. I love the rat. I actually wanted to get my own. I know some things about rats, because I looked up all about rats when I wanted one. Just let me know some tips please (:




  1. Rats love attention and playing. Take him out every day for a few hours total (whenever you have free time) and let him run around a rat-safe envoronment; a place proofed of all things dangerous to rats-small spaces, poisonous materials, cords, and other hazards. If he is older or pretty calm, he might like to just curl up in your lap, but don't be offended if he doesn't. You're new to him, and he might just want to play :D

    He will miss his owner. Rats are very smart, and they grow very attatched to their owners. If he seems down and sad (rats DO get real emotions-happiness, sadness, anger...), play with him, but let him have the lead as to what he wants to do. There are lots of rat games out there-go to the link below for lots of free fun toys and games to keep him happy.

    I'm guessing the original owner has given you rat food. But remember to also feed him plenty of fresh veggies and fruits for a balanced diet.

    If you notice odd behavior or suspect the rat is sick, first call the owner to see what might be wrong with him, if she recognizes the symptoms. You can also try googling common rat sicknesses to see if anything matches up. You can also ask on here if you have any concerns. But either way, take the rat to a vet who cares for rodents (not all vets do). It is very important that he gets proper care, in the case he falls ill. In case this does happen, and the illness is not your fault (which it very likely will not be), technically, your friend should pay the vet bills, or reimburse you for them. If there is any question about that, feel free to get other's opinions via Y!A.

    Good luck with your rat friend, and I hope your babysitting time will help you create a special bond :D

  2. This is counter-intuitive, but if the rat happens to get loose and you can't get him back, open the cage and make sure he can get to it. Put it on the floor if necessary. Check every few hours to see if he is back.

  3. feed it, give it water, give it cheese

  4. You can feed it brown rice, veggies, grains, and if it's a young rat puppy food. Always need fresh water, It's best to pick them up from under their chest, DO NOT PICK THEM UP BY THE TAIL. That would be really bad, it can cause serious injury. If you need anything else, the site could help.

  5. Just one rat? I've had two rats and they make great pets. They are social animals and need lots of attention. Is it a male or a female? Females are usually more energetic and males are more laid back, but not always. Don't ever pick them up by the tail, it's good to let them come to you first before you decide to hold them. They love treats but don't give them too many nuts, too much is unhealthy. They love playing. My rat Cayle, loved wrestling with your hand and chasing things. Make sure they have plenty of water. Rats don't sweat so it's harder for them to keep cool in the summer, make sure there's a way for them to cool off, like a damp paper towel. And DON'T leave the treats next to the cage, there's a chance he could just pull it through the bars. My rat Obrin did that and ate the bag and all

  6. JUST TAKE CARE OF IT.....  ")

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