
I'm Bored...Again. Someone Tell Me Something Funny Please?

by  |  earlier

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And writing "Something funny" as an answer doesn't count. Tell me a funny story, a joke you heard, anything. Or else I'll start writing things that make no sense whatsoever.




  1. loolll

    ok ill try to think of something funny

    go on youtube and type in worlds funniest animals

    hhaha i laugh at those ALLL the time seriously


    or speak with an accent and pretend you a news forcastor and read from a newspaper.

    make a smoothie, and add the randomest things.

    watch TV hehe eheheheheeh funny

    heres something that made me smile

    Stand up for what you believe in,

    even if it means standing alone.


    uhmm so hope you have fun.

  2. Something Funny please. there see  

  3. My funny moments, and stories.

    10)   Me and My boy friend, Trying to raise money, rented my basement to a couple, and there baby, they moved out, sadly, for one reason, what I did one night...  I was asleep but I got out of bed, ran down stares, yelling OMG!! Elephants EVERYWHERE, i was suddenly quiet, I stood still, for about 14 minutes, until I yelled RUN! And I ran straight... Straight into a wall.  Blood all over my face-- and the wall ;[[

    9)    Me and my mother, had ordered bathing suits, via, Ebay.  and my daughter, 4 at the time, was waiting to see how we looked, she stared at my mother, shocked, and exclaimed "Gama! You should not wright on your legs with a blue magic marker!"

    8)     Listen to this:

    -No one can touch all there teeth with there tongue.

    -Ha! Everyone who read that tried.  You did too.

    -Your Smiling now.

    -And Guess what, I made you smile ;]]

    7)     5 Out of 4 people, don't understand fractions

    6)     Friend ship is like pissing on yourself, everyone can see it, but only you can get that warm feeling it brings.

    5)     One Night, I laid in my bed, looking up at the stars, and thought to myself, "I wonder... where's the ceiling?

    4)     One of my most embarrassing moments, ever, was when I was a little girl,  I was listning to some people swearing, not knowing what the words ment I used them and when my mom heard, she cleaned my mouth out with soap, and when her friend drove her home, I puked in her BRAND new car, all over the seats, and floor.  Haha,  It was pretty funny ;]] never had to watch hocey again ;]]

    3)      Quote: If you like gorege bush, Your name is Gorege Bush.

    2)      Here is somthing that will make you laugh, first listen to this song:

    now watch this ;]

    1)     I have nothing else ;] SOrry, HUGS FOR YOU!


  4. I was looking at the polls/surveys on YA.  this individual was actually asking if 37 was too old to be EMO.  Now that's funny

  5. There's a guy at my job who wears girls' jeans and pants and today his pants were so tight u could basically see his balls, not to mention his other parts...&&&btw, he works with kids...

    I was highly disturbed and decided to disturb u =)

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