
I'm Brazilian in UK,i want to go Belgium or Ireland. Will my expired visa affect chance to get UK Fiancé visa?

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I arrived via Ireland in Oct 2006, where my Brazilian passport was stamped with (tourist?) visa to expire Nov 2006 (is that too short?).

I then worked in the UK for over a year, and recently met & fell in love with an (legal) English girl, who i want to marry, have children with & settle together in UK, so I need to make my status legal that will also allow me to visit my family & relatives in Belgium & Ireland.

I presume that I would need to return to Brazil for a Fiancé visa application to UK, but would I be arrested when leaving UK to make the application in Brazil with my future wife and then be prevented to re-enter UK and Europe for 5-10 years?

Genuine answers needed, please, no smart-a** comments.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.




  1. Man, you should immediately return to Brazil & apply for fiance visa & then come back to UK on it. If u are caught over staying on ur visa, then u may not be able to return to UK for few years.

    95% chances are that you wont have much problem leaving UK, so don't worry about it.

    Good luck.

  2. I met and married a Welsh girl (she moved to the US) but in the process we did learn about the uk process so here is what I learned,

    -You need to be legal, nothing expired

    You mentioned that your visa expired, you need to return to Brazil to file the paperwork properly. You should not be arrested because you are intending to leave the UK in the first place...then return on another visa. Two totally different situations as far as I can tell from your post. You can even make visits in between, but on those visits DO NOT mention the word "fiance" as that will alert the custom offical. I did that and got a few more questions.

    I hope this helps, best of luck and as you found out the english/welsh/irish/Scottish accents to captivate the rest of us men.

  3. Probably, when you leave, you will not be granted a visa for several years.

    It happened to a relative of mine, who returned voluntarily after overstaying her visa in Belgium.

    Although now married to a government official and being entitled to service diplomatic passport, she has been denied visa to attend the birth of her grandchildren. I have checked with the embassy and they told me (unofficially) that she was banned for 5 years.

    I suggest you get married in UK and then regularise your status.

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