
I'm Considering a vacation in Trinidad,is it safe for a female??

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I would like a vacation in Trinidad,an island above Suriname anyone been there & is it safe for a female to vacation there by myself??I have been studying Trinidad & the people it seems nice.Has anyone been there??




  1. Just as anywhere in the world you visit just be carefull but you will have a blast.

    Here is a copy of a vacation schedule I listed for someone who asked previously.

    Have a blast.  Do a little research and you will be ok.

    I am planning your vacation for you.


    Here it is for your first 7 days.

    Day 1 - Thursday

    Get into Trinidad on a Thursday afternoon no later than 7:55 pm. So you could take the Caribbean airlines from NYC at 1:45 am in the morning or AA from Miami at 8:00 am and landing at 2:00 pm. Taking Continental is a stretch because that landing at 8:40 pm.

    Now Thursday night is hang-out in St. James area at the bars until 11:00 pm. Then it is straight to 51 night club for Soca, Reggea, Hip Hop, and dancehall till 4:00 am Friday morning.

    Friday - Day 2

    Relax yuhself until 11:00 am. Get yuh ras up and head-out down town to experience the shopping and cultrue a-bit.

    Get home around 3:00 pm and take a rest, because we have a long night.

    Now yuh going to Jenny's on the Blvd for dinner and enjoy some local food. After that is Zen night club. Hope yuh could handle the Trini mem, because sure as h**l they are going to handle you.

    Saturday - Day 3

    Get yuh ras outa bed at around 11:00 am and head straight to Maracus beach. Enjoy a little tasting local bear and a bake and shark.

    Saturday night go all local and find ah soca party.

    Sunday - Day 4

    Wake up the same time and spend a relaxing day around the savannah. You will be surprised how much you can do around there and the interrest people you will meet. There is also the gardens, and the sorta something zoo.

    Sunday night Nemos reggea night. Great atmosphere and Jah music.

    Monday - Day 5

    Do what yuh want we doh party Monday.

    Tuesday - Day 6

    Find yourself down south and enjoy what beauty and cultural enhancement there is to offer.

    Right we done with dat. Now is straight to Movie Town that night for bar hopping and then to Attic for Latin Night.

    Wenday - Day 7

    Off to Tobago early in the morning and enjoy the reef and the nylon pool....

    Dont forget to go Sunday School at Bucoo

  2. Been to Trinidad many times and love it there.  Yes the people are nice and friendly.  However i always go with a group and never walk alone after dark.  The places i have been told to avoid are Belmont, Leventille and never walk across the Savannah  always walk around.

    Be cautious and keep you common sense and you should have fun.

  3. TS fu best answers AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. well, the fisrt two answerers, izzy and Ts gave u basically everything u need to know..

    come to our twin island and have a ball, yes we are very nice welcoming ppl, and as TS said, just like any other country, be wise while carrying about yourself and everythinh will be fine..

  5. Trinidad is a really beautiful fun exciting place but to truely answer your question no Trinidad isn't exactly the safest place for women right now. There are really safe places and at the same time there are really dangerous places you just have to be careful.

  6. Philly girl - I second the answer above. You'll have a great time in Trinidad. I just want to add some more things. I suggested these to someone who asked the same thing before:

    Maracas beach of course..

    Trip to Asa Wright Nature Center

    Tours are at 10:30am and 1:30pm daily

    Cost per person: Foreigners US$10

    Residents TT$20


    Mt St Benedict FREE

    Pitch Lake

    Wild Fowl Trust

    Temple on the Sea


    POS Museum

    Queen’s Park Savannah

    Botanical Gardens

    Magnificent Seven

    St James

    Day trip to Gasparee Caves

    Cost per person TT$95


    You must go to TOBAGO!! While there make sure you visit:

                                                    Buccoo Reef

                                                    Nylon Pool


                                                    Argyle Waterfalls

                                                    Pigeon Point Beach

                Store Bay Beach

  7. Yepp, i agree with TS and izzy

    Heres our tourism site:

    And incase u want any extra info, heres an aritcle about TnT on wikipedia:

    Have fun ☺

  8. well TS and Izzy sed it all

  9. Izzy and TS have really great answers, just remember to be careful....dont go flashing your jewellery or money and you good to go.  

    If you start walking on a street and realise is only you and the guy sleeping on the probably would want to rethink walking down that road.  

    Stay in the populated areas and be careful.  and you good.  Dont be afraid to ask a question.  

    and make sure and try ALL......Most.......alright some of the food.  Cause it have stuff I wont eat. lol.

    A little guide to buying food....

    1.  If it have people waiting before the vendor reach then his food tasting good.

    2.  Pepper HOT!!! it hotter than Tobasco sauce and it hotter than chilli and stuff.  so if you being adventurous always ask for slight or very slight.  Except if you eating dont want ANY pepper with that.  

    3. If there are no stray animals just waiting for piece of something to drop....think twice about buying it.

    4.  The best Grill food is found in La Romain (if you dont have someone who knows how to get there, then dont go) Even i dont know exactly where it is.

    5.  Try a Punch from Harry's on the Promenade and let me know how it was. lol.

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