
I'm Curious, What Do All You People Out There In The World Think Of The Welsh ? ? ? ?

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Keep In Mind That I'm Welsh :P I Don't Mind You Saying what You Think But Please No Nasty Comments Or Swearwords Lol




  1. they,,, er... ahem... love their sheep

  2. they seem like really nice people in general. i don't think the accent is odd, it sounds great! i like how you lot pronounce "flowers", it sounds cute! lol. so yeah, you're all good with me. =)

  3. nutters (dirty sanchez) & i love your voices :) x

  4. Wales is a tiny, tiny country, and probably nobody thinks of the Welsh often, if at all.

    But whenever I see a Welsh name, like a place name, I think of what a very cool, unusual language Welsh is.

  5. Based on an ex of mine who was Welsh....

    An accent to melt hearts.

    A sick sense of humour

    An unsettled history (Personal and as a nation)

    Great kisser(s)!

    Hung like horses ;-)

  6. Halen y Ddaear....Salt of the Earth.

    Cymro ydw i hefyd....I'm Welsh too.

    Kate, I'm intrigued...what do you know of Welsh culture?

  7. I like Wales and the Welsh but, a Welsh friend of mine said that the trouble with the Welsh is that they won't spend a penny to make a pound!

    I don't know if that is true though.

  8. I never think of them.

  9. The welsh are amazing! :p I am welsh too, though.  

  10. I like there accents I think there well cool I know you get them like comical veiws on tv I never really get them they just make weird comments about the welsh I never get what there sayin but I think your kwl so rock on id love to be able to do a welsh accent :P  

  11. great sense of humour, tolerant and friendly. Disadvantaged by having a big loud neighbour  

  12. I'm from wales and thinks that everyone here is the best. :)

  13. I went camping in wales in 2005-i really enjoyed it-I have to say that I have never ever seen so many sheep in my life as when I was in wales.

    I hope to go to wales again in the future.

  14. As a Welsh-American, I think Welsh people are great!!! My only problem is that people here in the U.S., including my own family, do not come close to knowing nearly enough about the culture, the country, and/or the people. I don't know even a fraction as much as I'd like to.

    Are there any good books or DVD's(in English please) that you could list for folks that want to learn more?

  15. I don't think of the welsh. I don't know any welsh people but i'd just either like them or not like them depending on what they were like indivitually. I would say welsh people if i had to generalise are fine have kind of weird voices i think but i'm told i sound a bit welsh and i'm scottish so i mean =) x x x x x

  16. Wel dwi ddim am canu'n clodydd ond dwi'n credu ein bod ni'n bobl caredig, croesawgar a fel dywedodd Rolyn yn halen y ddaear,

    Well i don't want to blow our own trumpets but i think we're kind and welcoming people and as Rolyn said Salt of the earth.

    Cymro i'r carn fel a awgryma fy enw

    Welshman to the bone as my name suggests.  

  17. They're cool. I like the British and Welsh culture. I think your culture is cool.

  18. Hmm...Know what i have never given any thought to Welsh...besides the fact that a friend of mine is part welsh (with about five other nationalities lol) i have nothing to say for it.

  19. they do sheep

  20. i dont know much about you, but your language is hard for me to pronounce

  21. I don't really think anything of them, as with english.

    Sheep are an important part of wales though!

  22. I am English but have lived in Wales for 32 years now. They are a good bunch though like everywhere else there are some total idiots too.

  23. well where do i start, they always seem nice, i love there acsent esp male ones prefferabley in uniform lol

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