
I'm Filipino and I'm super home sick. I really miss all my family in the Philippines. what should I do?

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I'm Filipino and I'm super home sick. I really miss all my family in the Philippines. what should I do?




  1. i left home almost 2 years ago, and i went through what you're feeling.  and even though i went home on vacation after a year, i'm still feeling homesick.  but what i can say is that it gets easier with time. it helps to go home every now and then and try to maintain communication with them, but the best remedy is TIME.

  2. go home then...

  3. Come home for a visit. The homesickness will not go away after a hundred phone calls. The homesickness just might aggravate.

  4. Remember the reason you are where you are and though it must be hard I'm sure you are there for a good reason. Try making some more friends where you are since you started a new life. Either way you should make the best of where you are. Being unhappy wont get you anywhere.

  5. watch TFC, mingle with Pinoy folks in your place and enjoy browsing Yahoo answers Philippines

  6. Call them using SKypes! It's free! All you need is Internet connection!

    If you can't call them....burn a CD with OPM songs...This helped me sooo much! I'd remember home.... Pin up pictures on an area on your of good ol times with friends....memorables times...! You can also pin up some birthday cards or letters from your family and friends back home! All these always help me get back on my feet :)

  7. If you can help it, come home. Save up enough money and invest in a business here. That way you don't have to be away anymore.

    If you are an immigrant, just plan on a homecoming at a future date.

    The earlier suggestions on making regular contacts (thanks to modern technology) should also help.

  8. I know how you feel.

    I go for a drive.

    I go to a Filipino store / restaurant.

    I call back home.

    I use skype or yahoo messenger, you know video conferencing.

    I visit Filipino websites, watch & listen to Filipino shows/radio stations.

    I sing on a magic mic.

    And I go to YA, particularly YAP.

  9. call them often

  10. get your self a magic jack send it home and call for free....

  11. You're doing it.

    Participating here in YAP, that is.   We're all like one big family here.   Some of us, like you and me, are far from home.  

    We can exchange ideas, or comfort each other with jokes. We can challenge the minds with provoking questions.  

    But I warn you,  this can be addictive.

  12. take a vacation or vice versa just  invite/ take them where ever u r  or if not possible . make a voice/cam 2 cam chat tru yahoo.mess atleast  3 a week

  13. use webcam and talk with them everyday

  14. I agree with Debbie above. If you live in the states, there are often other couples in the same situation that live nearby that you didnt realize.... search out the area to see. There are lots of good suggestions here. Going online if both ends have a webcam is a good idea as is an ocassional phone call. I renew my minutes with a company online to get the best rate. Most of all, try to remember why you moved.....good luck!

  15. call... talk to them everyday.

  16. call them on the phone every once in a while.

    write them letters.

    or even travel home if possible.

    hope i helped.:]

  17. My wife uses my computer, with Yahoo Messenger, microphone and earphones equipped on the computer, and arranges a time to call them on their computer, equally equipped. She gets to see and hear them, all for "FREE". She has gone on for more than two hours at a time. Other messengers work also. The only draw back is having similar computer equipment and an internet connectionm down there.

    Good Luck!

  18. Send them all a first class return plane ticket to visit you, also some extra cash for visa application and some pocket money.

  19. Chat with them through the internet. ask them to use a webcam so you can see them. If you are able, you can visit. Otherwise, konting tiis pa. Mahirap ang buhay dito.

  20. call them

    chat with them

    i miss my family there too

    but we keep in touch

    we use myspace, friendster, multiply

    sites like that

    also when u can u should totally visit =D

  21. I am a filipino too...and I too really miss them...well I wanna go back there but we don't have enough money to pay for the ticket.....I would just say to do what is really best for you...

  22. the more you think of them, the more you'll feel homesickness, when you focus on your job, or fall in love with a local, all your homesickness will fade away.....that's why i don't prefer long distance romance.......the christian holy scripture stated,"what God had put together, let no man part them away". But when people insist on getting far away, they are violating this basic commandment ,thus, family break ups are most likely. Even if one have a twin brother or sister, when the other is far away....many things could happen negatively between your relationship.What more to people who have no blood relationship and with all the temptations around?

  23. Surround yourself with people. Never be alone or you'll get sad even more. Busy yourself. that's what I do when I miss my folks.

    And you can try interesting stuff to do over at your place. If there's a beach, you can make sand castles, if it's snowy, how about snow angels? Ring your neighbors door bell! :) Have fun by hanging out here on Y!A more often. It'd be like a pill for homesickness :)

  24. Take a vacation from your job, school, whatever keeps you attached to the country where you are now and go to the Philippines and see them..

    If this is out of the question then, I would suggest calling them more often.. I feel your pain because I've experienced that before.. Good thing that technology did kind of eased the pain as far as communications are concerned so you can call them, use the chatroom and PC camera, or write them an email to be connected..

    Also, try to go out more often and find interesting and productive activities to do so you can ease your mind off from missing them.. If you're not married yet, try to find a girlfriend or boyfriend and it will definitely help.. If you are married, then just find new friends..

  25. You may call your family or relatives. You may also have a vacation to the Philippines so you can relax a little bit. I'm homesick too, but I always talk to them in the internet. Hope this helps. =)

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