
I'm Four Months Pregnant, But My Bf Doesn't Knows Help?

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Okay I am in the 10 grade and I'm 4 months pregnant I am showing a little my parents know, but my bf doesn't I am scared to tell him. I mean I know I waited to long but every time I see him it won't come out my mouth plus he say's i'm getting bigger but he seems not to get it. Whats an easy way I can tell him i'm pregnant?




  1. you let him put his p***s in you but you are now scared to tell him that you are pregnant?  what is wrong with this picture?  

    you made the choice to have s*x....probably without any protection...and so now be strong and be the adult you just forced yourself to be.  you just tell him, i'm pregnant-- you're the father.  and walk away.  let him soak in the information (cause i'm sure as he is a child he wasn't planning on having one...don't know why you kids don't use protection)...and in a couple days ask him what are WE going to do?  if he says he doesn't want to be part of it, you can't make him....however, you can make YOUR own choices about what to do and then if you chose to keep the baby then you can get child support from him.

    good luck, you just took a hard road to travel.

  2. i don't know if there is a easy way

    just tell him,no matter what he has to face the fact

  3. The best thing for you to do is tell him. If your parents have excepted it you are going to fine and they will help you but you should tell him to see what he is going to say don't wait and call him on the day that you are having the baby that is just specially if ya'll are in a good relationship. He should know!!!!

  4. just come out and say it that is going to be the best way...and if he leaves that is his problem

  5. you need to tell him NOW!!!!!  write him a letter and apologise for waiting so long.

    if your old enough to have s*x and have a baby then you need to be old enough to tell people..esp your boyfriend... how do you think he is going to feel?

    he is going to be so hurt that you wouldn't share that with him in the beginning!!.. is is suppose to be your partner.!!! you need to tell him asap!

    good luck

  6. Okay, this is a discussion you need to be having with your parents. You need to sit down with them and calmly discuss your options - keeping this child or adoption. And then you need to discuss how to best tell your boyfriend as well as what involvement you wish him to have. Would you like to move in and raise the child together? How would you accomplish that? Etc. There are many things that need to be decided, and he needs to be part of those decisions. But, FIRST, speak with your parents so that you can weigh all options and have some informed information before you make those decisions.

  7. There is no easy way, you just need to tell him!

  8. well if you ask me and probley quite alot of other women they will tell you its harder to tell your parents which you already have so i wouldnt worry so much about it, at least youve got your parents if your boyfriend isnt happy about it,good luck sweetheart.xx

  9. the easy part was telling your parents, i would sit him down with your parents, and talk to him, if you have trouble you will have your parents there for support. invite his parents as well if you think that it will help you get it out. or if you just cannot do it, ask your parents to help you tell him, or your doctor. i have known people that took there b/f to the doctor to show them an ultrasound picture or hear the babies heartbeat, they were so excited about seeing or hearing these things they had no time to be mad.  

  10. you and your parents need to sit down with him and his parents.  You can either tell him first before this happens, or tell him during this meeting. collectively, you need to come up with an agreement as to what you're going to do about this child.  

    there is no easy way.  you have to just tell him.  

  11. You have to tell him, there is no easy way to do it.

  12. You need to sit him down and talk to him.  Perhaps it might be better to sit him down with your parents there and tell him.

  13. Make sure you are alone with him. Not on the phone, and be really sorry you didn't tell him sooner. He may be okay or really freaked out and upset. Good Luck!

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