
I'm Getting A Kitten On Monday..Names and Gender Please..?

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Give Reasons For Answers And I Like Ghetto Katty Names Like Queenie/Honey/JamJam/KiKi/Dora LoL..Ne Ideas!? I Lyk Kyloo..!

BOY OR GIRL..We want it to catch Mice Too??




  1. first, get it fixed.

    males tend to be more affectionate, because they are lazy and let the women do everything.

    females tend to be the better mouser, because they have to catch the food for the kittens while the male sleeps in the sunshine.

    so, it really doesnt mater which gender.

    mousers are born, not made.

    mom has to be a mouser, mom has to be an indoor/outdoor cat and the kitten has to stay with mom long enough to learn mousing.

    if you make a soft scratching sound in another room and mom comes into to investigate, she is a mouser. her kittens wil be mousers if they are not taken as soon as they are weaned, and if she can take them outside with her.

    indoor cats can never be mousers as they dont get to practice. mom teaches the basics. they have to practice.

  2. From first hand experience make sure you know the gender of your cat before you actually name it. If you are getting a very young kitten it might appear to be a female because the t******e's have not dropped yet.  I named a kitten Molly and it turned out to be a male so I changed its name to Mo`le (mexican seasoning paste) but the cat never recovered.  I also had a black cat that I named 'Manson" Yeah I know kinda strange and the cat actually seemed to be a little psycho, it would come and rub against your leg but when you tried to reach down an pet it it would hiss at you and run out of the room.  Bottom line is get to know your new kitty, and check out its personality for at least a week before you decide on a name. All cats have distinct personality traits that you will notice right away.  

    The latter has been from personal experience but a proved fact, if you want to know if your pet is passive aggressive to lay them on their back while on your lap.  If they struggle to flip over they have naturally aggressive tendencies, if they are content to lay with their tummy exposed they are passive. A good trait to look for especially if it is going to be in a house with children.

  3. get a girl, i adopted my cat fluffy and shes like my baby, honey and kiki are nice lol

  4. well id say girl.. because boys can end up with their pee crystalizing.. and its fatal.  its some kind of infectoin or something  idk what it is called tho.    id say girl- named Honey

  5. get a girl.

    i have a boy cat and he peed all over my moms shoes.

    i like the names kylo and honey from what you suggested.

  6. I would get a girl..boys like to spray if not fixed.

    What about Chatty for a name?

  7. You Should Name it jessie if it is a girl and Joie If it is a a boy

  8. I LOVE kiki

    I named a pet mouse that before, lol

    And for gender


    Boys will spray they're smelly man juice all over your house

  9. is the best name and a great girl kitten name.

  10. get a girl siamese and name it saybra

  11. i have a kitten named samson (from the bible) because when we found him he had been run over by a car, and he was only about 4 weeks old.

    so maybe pick a name that says something about the cat. (not something stupid like fluffy, mittens, fleas, etc.) i like names to do with your favorite books, movies, music. stuff like that. pick a name that says something about the cat AND you.

    maybe i've helped...

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