
I'm Getting Into A Fight At School?

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Alright, I'm a freshman and this guy's a junior. He's pretty chunky, and is pretty emo/goth. I'd say he's around 5'11, 6'0. While I'm 5'4. I've never really fought in my life, except for when I was younger, but that was nothing. The only hesitating thing about this fight is the fact that he's quite a bit taller than I am and I'm not sure how to really fight someone who's height is more than a few inches taller than mine. I usually aim straight for the face, but It's pretty hard when they're that much taller, and I'm trying to get the advantage and win the fight. I know, I have a really ignorant reason for getting in the fight; standing up for my girlfriend when he shoves her head into a locker at school. But, anyway, I was hoping I could get tips?




  1. your girlfriend? f**k THAT KID UP! start with a mean right shovel hook (diagonal uppercut) then a left hook to the chin then a right hook to the chin. guarantee he'll b out.

  2. If someone would have done that to my girlfriend..I would break nearly every bone in their body, but then again..I cage fight. I would probably shank them or shoot them then...don't do it kid!

    My suggestion is to jump him with about 5 strong friends of yours. Beat the h**l out the kid until he bleeds...just don't kyll the kid.

    Here's something i'll tell you. Don't aim for his face..aim for his throat, just keep aiming for his throat. Not neck..THROAT. He'll choke out, from there's show time for you. When you punch...hit precisely, and make sure it's HARD solid hit. No wimpy hits. Email me and let me know after the fight okay? I wan't to know how it all went down.

    If you have more stamina then him or if you're should have the kid done with. If you get hit in the face..don't wimp out...use it to your advantage. Keep in mind..for every time he hits you..You hit him 5 times harder. The faster he moves..the faster you have to move.


    don't forget to email me the results!

    (NOTE: I'm not responsible for anything you do, I'm giving you tips and advices, you do things at your own risk. I give information, I don't force you or pressure you to use it.)

  3. .kick in the nuts .full force punch into the chest to wind him then work the face try to break the nose if you can

  4. **** his **** up man!

    1 for being emo

    2 for messing with ur girl.

    judo chop his wrists, there's bound to be plenty of scar tissue there!

    alright buddy, seriously, confront him head on, don't jump him, don't gang up, meet him face to face like a man. explain why ur about to kick his ***, then just do it, it'll come naturally man, trust me, 98% of street fights start with a few swings then ends up on the ground in a headlock, just be relentless and make it hurt. draw blood, black eyes, all's fair in love and war. shake his hand when it's over.

  5. Wow that dude is a freaking *** whole! Who shoves a girl's head into a locker. You were right to stand up to him and I'm sure your girlfriend really appreciates you for that. Well this guy seems like a big bully and the only way to get out of this, I think, is to fight him which you said you were going to do. Try aiming for the side stomach. Then when you punch him in  the side stomach and he bends down kind of you know, kneels down and puts outs his hands on his stomach then punch him in the face, and keep punching him until you knock him down. Then when he's down get on him and bang his head into the floor see how he likes it until someone breaks off the fight or he starts to bleed or gets hurt. I'm a girl but trust me I know what I'm talking about. I'm about the same age as you are. Good Luck =)

  6. kicks to the legs take out his legs then when his legs r weak take him down get on top of him and beat the **** out of him

  7. Kick him in the knee or the balls. Then punch him in the throat.

  8. The moment for fighting has passed.  

    You should have done something then and there, then no one would blame you for sticking up for your gf and keeping her from getting hurt more.  Now getting into a fight is the wrong thing to do becuase you should be reporting the incident to your teachers or vice-principal.  

    Remember, if you can schedule the fight, you shouldn't be have it.

  9. i dont believe that this guy just pushes you girl friends head into a locker it might have happend by accedent once and she told you a different story... either that or you just added this so people whould tell you how to fight instead of tell you not to fight.

    unless he really is doing things like this to you girlfriends regularly dont fight.

    if he really is and you are shorder and dont want to aim for the face try the solarplexus it hurt being hit there and your head always goes to the pain and because its lower he will lower his head then u can hit his head. also kicking his legs will bring his head down.

  10. oh my gosh ive been in this situation and trust me it's not scary. If you got a good upperbody just takle him at the hip when facing him than when he on the ground just go on top and start throwing punches and elbows. he'll be cut, bruised, and will never bother you again unless he got back up.  

  11. Right well this guy sounds like a d**k so I'll help you out here.

    Seeing as you have no real experience in fighting and such I can't offer you much technical advice. I think it has already been said about the leg kick, that's some good advice. Take it. But this is only if you want a prolonged fight.

    Your best bet is to hit him really hard, really fast and he will just leave it there.

    But if things carry on then do what you can to bring the pain to him. If you're not comfortable with your kicks (and let's face it, to the untrained eye a kick is not going to look so bad ***) then just punch him real hard in the nose if you can. If you break that guys nose then he'll either back down or be at a severe disadvantage. But if he carries on then the likely hood is that he'll try and take you down then beat on your *** from there. If he does to take you down then try and stay on your feet, pull him the way he's trying to pull you then get on top and start raining down punches. Try and knee drop him on his collarbone, worked for me.

    Well this has all been said before but still I hope I helped. Also you might want to check out some basic jujitsu, wrestling and boxing videos on youtube, when I started out those things did help a bit.

  12. Ok I would usually say tell a teacher..but thıs guy sounds lıke a rıght a*****e so I wıll gıve you a few tıps.If you punch hım ın the neck hard enough you wıll take hım down easıly but you should also try kıckıng hım ın the bollocks ıf that doesnt workpunchıng hım ın the stomach should do the trıck.

  13. As most will tell you, don't fight.  It's stupid.  If the guy assaulted your girlfriend, tell someone in an authority position about it.  That is a serious offense.  If that is not comfortable thing for you, ignore the person.

  14. It doesn't really sound like any of these people have ever been in a fight.

    *Fighting hurts your face!* And you can expect your body to hurt for a while after. Also, all these people act as if it was easy to take some one down. It's not. If you hit him, he's gonna hit you back, he's not just gonna hold his hand over his cheek and slump over and let you keep hitting him.

    **That's why I don't recommend getting into fights in the first place.**

    I'm gonna be honest with you man, you sound like you don't want to fight. And that's totally fine. Fighting hurts a lot, it's scary, and if it's at school, you're gonna get called into the office. Simple.

    This isn't the movies, you're not in "Never Back Down."

    But if you DO want to fight him, take comfort in the fact that you are the one that's right, in this situation. You're defending some one who otherwise can't defend themselves; like a knight. Let that pump you up.

    Number two, this guy is emo? EMO??? Chances are, he can't fight.

    This is how I would handle it:

    First off, you need to change your mindset. A "fight" is when there is a *exchange* of punches. You don't want to get hit; you want a landslide victory. This isn't a fight then.

    2nd Part: So he can't tell the principle that you didn't give him a warning

    Be near your girlfriend when he comes around.

    Stand in front of him as soon as you see him coming down the hall.

    Tell him that that girl he's been messing around with, is YOUR girl, and he has two options: leave her the f*** alone, or get his a** kicked.

    If he chooses to leave her alone, good, you've resolved the situation like an adult. Continue on with your life.

    ..but if he doesn't..  tsk.

    Part 3: Catch him alone.

    I wouldn't recommend taking him down right then and there, because he'll probably be walking with his buddies, his back-up. So the odds wouldn't be in your favor, if you guys fought and his back up decided to jump in and help kick your a**.

    So you wait until you have the surprise advantage, when he's alone and isn't expecting it: right in the very beginning of break, or right at the end of lunch when everybodys heading to class.

    Then you take him down, in one of two ways:

    1) Get him on the ground

    He has a height advantage right?

    You nullify that, you take away his advantage if you get him on the ground. On the ground, everyone is the same height.

    2) You bombard his face with fast, hard punches.

    Usually, in a "slug" match, whoever is the most agressive right off the bat, wins the fight.

    Why? Cause the other guy is too busy trying to block his face, to attack you back.

    Jabs, crosses, hooks and hammer fists, whatever you got, the goal is to overwhelm your opponent, and hopefully make him lose his balance.

    And once he's on the floor, you don't stop. Not until you run out of adrenaline. Not until he gets it through his head, that what he did is not right, and you won't allow it.

    That's another thing too, is to voice *why* he's getting punished. It'll probably come out like this: "Mess with my girl?! Mess with MY GIRL motherf*****?!?! You little b****, don't you ever touch her, you f*****' hear me?!

    If you've succeeded, you not only somehow solved your girlfriend getting physically abused, but now everyone will fear you, and will be less likely to mess with you or the people you hang out with.

    Something like this: "Dude, you hear about the freshman that beat up that junior?"

    "Yeah man, that freshmans crazy."  

    Other tips on punching harder: Punch *through* your target.

    Lets say you want to punch him in the cheek, when you punch for there, your fist will naturally slow down as comes in contact with his cheek, thus losing power.

    What you want to do is *punch through* that cheek, by aiming for the back of his head. By doing this, your fist wont slow down, the power will keep going - through the cheek - and until it gets to the back of his head.

    But this takes a lot of practice, and in all likelyhood, youll forget in a high-adrenaline situation, but its a fantastic tip that I thought Id teach you anyway.  

  15. So you're going to go pick a fight with this kid after you get advise on a message board, huh?

    You should have just jumped on the kid right then. No one would look down on you for at least trying, and even if you were beaten, you'd probably earn some respect from your girlfriend.

    If you really want to start something with this guy, make him throw the first punch. Mutter something making fun of his unfortunate taste in music/clothing (Back in my day, it was mocking references to Bauhaus and The Cure... Geez... "Back in the day"... What... 10 - 15 years ago. Pfft.). Be against something hard, then just let him do all the work -- move forward on an inside 45 from a punch to walk away as he breaks his hand against the wall or something equally simple. Just let him hurt himself.

    Brains have a disadvantage against brawn: you can't simply think your way out of a situation. You still have to move. But you can strategize if you're smart enough to adapt on the fly. Just smile: it'll help you stay calm.

  16. If this guy shoves your girl's head into a locker, then you have justifiable means in my book to kick him where it counts. Count Gothula however is very mislead and might look mean, but is really just a p****, so don't feel intimidated or anything. With taller opponents, if you're comfortable I'd just take it to the ground if you can. You have a better chance of gettin' in some good licks. I knew some a__holes like this during HS and I had my share of fights too. He won't take you serious unless you pop him in his mouth or nose though. So unless you stunt on him, just expect that he'll continue doing what he's doing.

  17. End it quickly!  You don't want his big *** landing on you.  If you know you can't avoid the fight, don't wait for him to act.  Walk straight up to him and punch him in the Adams Apple.  Make sure you keep your eyes open as you swing so you make contact with your intended target.  A correct blow will temporarily inhibit his ability to breath.  As he bends over gasping, kick him swiftly in the side of the knee.  He will crumble and you will look like a stud.

    These instructions should be used for entertainment purposes only.  Do not try this at home.

  18. Kick him as hard as you can in his thighs like a thai boxer so he cant put any weight on it then if it affect him hit him in nose to hurt him

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