
I'm Going To A Ski Resort In Feb.?

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.....It's in St. Louis Missouri, its called Hidden Valley, and they make their own snow, and from where I live, its only about 3, mabey 4 hours away, and our youth group is going there, and I was just wondering which was the easiest, Snowboarding, or Skiing? Thanks Alot!!




  1. Skiings easier to learn from the get go.

    Snowboarders spend a lot of time on their backsides and frontsides.

    If you're only going once, I suggest skiing.

    If you get a chance to go several times, try skiing, then take snowboarding lessons to see which you prefer.

  2. The 1st couple days snowboarding is hard, then it gets real easy. For skiing, the first couple of days aren't as bad, but it takes longer to master it.  Either way, be prepared to fall some.

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