
I'm Going into high school This year, Got Any Advice?

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I heard that high school is like a living h**l, but i also heard that it was a great experience. I'm Not sure what to think, i lost all my good friends this year, so i'm going in with only one good friend. I'm really shy, so it hard for me to become friends with people. Got and advice for me?




  1. study hard and be a good student

  2. Yeah, study and don't be easy with the boys.

  3. Im going to be a Senior this year and the one thing I can suggest is TO GET INVOLVED. When you join sports or any club you WILL make friends, even if you are shy, ( I know because Im SO shy.) Also, if you plan on going to college, you need to take high school seriously. Too many kids s***w up any possibility for a scholarsip after messing around their freshman year. Always do your homework, just make time for it- it is SO worth it!!!!

    By the way you only need one good friend to get through high school, but if you are looking to have more, just join clubs and sports like I said before!!!!

  4. It'll be fun. You'll get use to it eventually. :)

  5. try not to get caught up in the wrong crowd, dont become a s**t and just be youself that is all i can say thats how i got through the first 4 years, dont become someone you will hate and regret you will lose friends,  

  6. That's what I thought when I first entered high school . Hearing all kinds of sayings such as 'its so harrrd, its so different!, i miss middle school wayy more' made it harder :o

    But really, now i'm going into a sophomore this year, and trust me, it's way more socialable, fun, and more friends :)

    Of course, that's not going to happen when you get into drugs/gangs/whatverr. :/ Just try to get involved into things! clubs, sports, and keep track of your grades.

    You'll do fine, just be yourself.  

  7. Just don't fall into this whole "bi" trend.

  8. I'll be a freshman too. I hope it's fun. I'm looking forward to the new opportunities.

  9. Just chill it'll be alright, it's something you just have to take in stride, dealing with the social issue's can be sorta tough, but you'll make friends so don't worry, most importantly keep your grades up, remember they're the ticket that'll help get you out of there faster.  

  10. dont be too quiet - you wont get noticed

    dont be too loud - nobody will like you

    dont be too good - people will think your a sammy

    dont hang out with idiots - well its just common sense really

    hope it helps :) x*x

  11. umm...good luck

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