
I'm Going to be a vegetarian-is there a website that will give me a list of foods?

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Is there a website that'll gimme a list of foods that will help me maintain a proper diet?

If I become a vegetarian, will it interfere with my energy I have now since I still eat meat?

I'm a track runner, so if i stop eating meat, will I still be able to maintain enough energy to run long distance and stuff?

Sorry, thats all my questions.

Answers, quickly,please!




  1. Hi! Congrats on going veg!

    Sites to check out:

    For information on vegan nutrition check out:


  2. Here's a small list of foods of some foods vegetarians eat.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies are all that you would need to eat. Minerals such as iron and calcium are easy to supply your body with when you eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables such as mustard, collards and kale. They taste great when thoroughly wilted in olive oil and tossed with a splash or two of balsamic vinegar.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement because people that eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals usually still have a B12 status lower than recommended.

    There are no limits on vegetarian people that aren't on everyone else. You can be just as fast and just as strong as someone that eats meat if you are as equally determined as they are.

    Have you heard of Carl Lewis? He's vegetarian and won numerous Olympic Gold Medals while on a vegan diet.

    What about Scott Jurek? He's vegan and a record breaking ultramarathoner.

    Please just do your research thoroughly so you can stay on track without being discouraged.

  3. Don't become a "veg" it wastes the lives of killed animals because you choose not to eat it.  It's just like when a hunter chooses to not eat its kill, just make it a trophy.  The animals we kill for food should be eaten because they die to sustain us.  You insult animals everywhere that die to feed us by shunning their meat.

  4. It's great that you're interested in going veg. You can get all of the vitamins and nutrients you need by eating a normal variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains. This site lists vegetarian foods that are especially high in protein, iron, and calcium:

    Many people report having more energy on a vegetarian diet. There are plenty of successful vegetarian and vegan athletes and bodybuilders. Just make sure you eat enough calories; don't starve yourself by eating only salads. Good luck!

  5. The Vegetarian Society

    BTW: you don't get energy from eating meat, if anything it slows you down, because it's harder to digest then veggie protein like: beens, peas, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.  

  6. you dont need a list of foods..just dont eat meat..only things that come from mother earth..

    you will most likely become more energized..

    you will probably be able to run faster and longer..

    i did/could when i became a vegetarian..


  7. Ever hear of Carl Lewis, nine-time Olympic track and field gold medalist?  He had his best season ever as a vegan.  Ironman triathlon champions Ruth Heidrich and Brendan Brazier also compete as vegans.

    I recommend picking up a book called "The New Becoming Vegetarian" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina.  Both are registered dieitians and have written what pretty much passes as the bible of vegetarian nutrition.  They also include specific information addressing the needs of very active/athletic vegetarians.  There are also books available (check Amazon) about being a vegetarian or vegan athlete (I think Brendan Brazier has one.)

  8. I read a book to learn proper nutrition for vegetarians and it

    Helped me TONS!  But, you can just write it in the google search box, or go to  Yes, you can have energy; in fact you'll have more!

  9. its not right to kill plants and veggies

  10. I like for a lot of healthy life style alternatives. These links will get you started:

  11. You can be perfectly fine on a veggi diet and still run track...i was kinda dissapointed in a friend of mine when she went back to eating meat because she joined the track team and thought there was no way that she could get enough protein...You most certainly can!!! Eat tofu, tempeh, beans, nuts, eggs, cheese, ext...You'll be fine! there are tons of body builders who are vegetarian and vegan! You just don't hear about them because everyone thinks that the only source of protein comes from meat and nothing else...good luck!!! (sorry no list but anything that dosnt contain meat/animal broths/gelitan/animal is fine...check labels!)

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