
I'm Having Guy Problems!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in marching band so i have to play at all of the school football games. I can't hang out with my friends that aren't in band at the games because i have to play all night. a guy that i like hangs out at the football games with my friends..but i can't hang out with him. It's soo not fair....what should I do?




  1. You've got to look at stuff from an objective point of view and partly subjective.  Do you like playing for the band?  The guy you like, does he like you?  Does he have a girlfriend?  Are you willing to give up band playing to hang out with this guy?

    If you like him, let him know and let him know your dilemma, if he's up to it, he'll understand and make time for you when you have time.

  2. Well, you really don't have a choice because you attending the football games are mandatory, but what you can do is like if you are on a break, then you can try to head over to where he is if you have time. Otherwise, the next time you see him talk to him about the game because you were both there, though not together.  Besides, if he's with your friends, have you ever thought that he is hanging out with them because he's hoping you will show up?  Or if he knows that you are in marching band, he might be trying to get some info on you.

    Talk to your friends about him! If they know that you like him...they might be able to help you out in that category when they are hanging with them!

  3. if you quit and then things dont work out with you guys then you just made a big mistake. isnt ther some place else you guys can hang out together like in school or something

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