
I'm Having Serious Boy Problems!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i desperately need some help!!! The kid love i thought was finally beginning to like, me. But today I found out that he likes my best friend!!!! This should make me mad, but then he asked someone to find out if i liked him because he didn't want to hurt me! Even though he broke my heart, I love him more! Please I really need advice on how to get him! And don't tell me to move on, because i won't listen to that. I'm not asking you to tell me that he isn't right or anything, because i love him and won't let him go! Oh and by the way, i'm 13 and i really want someone who's my age to answer!





  1. I am your age,I promise, but i am very weird so i say, just run up to him and hug him and run away thats what i did. And now he broke up with his used-to-be-girlfriend and now i have him. How YOU doin'! Hey!

  2. you should never try to go after someone who you don't really know that well. It turns out bad. Like, so bad that you'll have s*x and then he won't call the next day. Do you really love him, or do you want his junk in your trunk? ask yourself that question, and then rub spagetti sauce on your belly. yeah that's nice.  

  3. well i just turned 15, and to be honest, i dont think you know what love really is... because i don't. i think its just a crush and that you cant do anything about him liking someone else. sorry :/

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