
I'm Having Trouble With My Ollie?

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I'm trouble doing my ollie. I have the jump and back foot at the end of the tail part down but I'm having trouble with my front foot slide. What's wrong? Do I have too much grip on my griptape? I mean, I keep my shoulders straight and bend my knees and jump as high as I can (like a foot and a half) so what's wrong? Please help!!

PS: I've only been skateboarding for like a week.




  1. dont focus of jumping high rite now just jump to get the board off the ground. you just first need to get comfortable on the board. ride around and practice a manuel (rideing and keeping the front wheels off the ground and staying balanced on the back wheels).

    as for ollieing just slow down and try to focus on how you need to move your feet. put your back foot on the tail and the front foot between half and 3/4 tword the noes of the board. when u pop with your back foot jump a little then the front foot slides up on the pinkee toe side of your foot.

    the rite part of your foot to use is the side. alot of skateboarders tear there shoe laces at the eye where they lace their shoes because thats where they slide the foot most of the time.

    as for the grip tape some skaters use the scrap grip tape or really light sand paper to wear down the grip a little bit. but theres no rite or wrong its what u like better

  2. ok dawg the key is practice it took me like a year to learn it. But i would just break it down. first put the tail down and keep it there. then slide your foot up. just practice doing that for awhile . then start in on your jump. Also you could atempt to buy a video. hope this helps. happy skatin.

  3. You can never have 'too much' grip on your grip tape. Is it your shoes? Are they skateboarding shoes? Are they too new/too old? Don't jump as high as you can if you can't do an ollie... just jump sorta high and see if you can get the board off the ground then go higher once you can actually do it.

    Also, grip helps you do an ollie; it'll be harder without grip or with weak grip (example- skating when raining is all messed up and it's hard to do tricks).

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