
I'm Homeless and need help?

by  |  earlier

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I live in jefferson county missouri...

I have a car, and i work... I'm not your average stereotypical drunken drugged not even trying to make it in life "homeless bum".

There has been little no to no help for me, no shelters near where Ii work and with gas prices the way they are its near impossible for me to get to one and to work.. Everyone withing 100 miles is full....

I applied for low income housing, and I'm still on a waiting list...My eyes hurt from crying... I've posted everyone of mine of value on craigslist for sale other than this computer which a friend sold me for 50 dollars about 4 months ago..and is my only lifeline to seek apartments or any kind of help like this....

Im at wits end, the only thing I can think of doing is going to a hospital and telling them im suicidal (even though im not) because they would have to lock me up and give me somewhere to be.. But I can't and wont risk my job...

Does anyone at all know of someway I can get my life back??




  1. see if there are any motels near your work or peoples homes that are renting out a room/gararge. you can get money from things such as centerlink. if you live closer to work you can just walk there, or get a bike/mortor bike as it needs less petrol than cars. You should think about saving money, so you could stay at your friends place for free or pay a little rent. buy no brand foods as they r cheaper than branded foods, n learn how to repair your own clothes so u wont hav 2 buy new clothes or pay someone 2 do it. cuz u hav a computer, u can do online jobs.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through now.

    Your friends and family must be able to help you out in some way....and I'm pretty sure you have those people.

    Easier said than done, but keep trying. Ask and ask again, there must be some place for you. There has to be. Maybe you can ask to live with someone in exchange for your service (help them out with chores, or something else you can think of). Hope this helps.

  3. not being is it you're able to plug your computer into electricity and get internet? That costs money.

    I'm a tad confused.......

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