
I'm In NW Houston Our Gas Is $2.25 A Gal Thats F****** High What Is Your Gas Price?

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I'm In NW Houston Our Gas Is $2.25 A Gal Thats F****** High What Is Your Gas Price?




  1. Southern Ontario Canada $5.20 a US gallon

  2. YEAH    $2.25 A GALLON.... right!!!!

  3. 2.25 eh? That's waaaaayyyy cheap....

  4. lucky!!! san diego cal its 4.55 ughhh!!!

  5. You think that's high??  IT's 3.79 here and steadily rising.  Be thankful.  and btw ozzy isn't god!!  God is god!!

  6. $3.85, but everyone nearby went up by about 15 cents, so i expect it'll be $3.99 by thursday

  7. $4.04/gal in Delaware - but I average 28.5 mpg in Chev. HHR.  One day, with a tail wind I got 39.5 mpg.

  8. I'd kill for $2.25/gal!  WA state here, not far from Seattle.  $4.25/gal

  9. Ohio 3.87

  10. mine in mn is like 3.79 the good stuff is 3.99 and it all bushes fault for the high gas and im 17 i have to go to school and it cost like 40-50 just to go to school

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