
I'm Interested in Magical Mushrooms?

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i'm interested in them, do they grow in northern kentucky? email me if you know about them...




  1. September is the best time to look for them, and they grow on and around cow c**p, the bluer the better.(the mushies, not the c**p)

  2. I know my best friends dad made all his money in high school selling them. He lived on a cow farm. They grow in cow doo-doo so check that out. BUT be careful there are many different types of shrooms some will kill you and some with get you high. So just grab a book about mushrooms and eat at your own risk. I'm not promoting this behavior because God forbid you die and they trace my IP and say"this is the lil wanker that killed him" so dont kill yourself.

  3. It takes a real expert to tell the difference between a Magic (psilocybin) Mushroom and a poisonous one.

    A poisonous one can cause certain and very miserable death.

    The Magic ones are illegal in all 50 states (Schedule 1 felony) and most of the rest of the world.

    Your best bet: find a dealer you TRUST.  And I mean trust with your life, if you want to keep your screen-name from being ironic.

      Or, travel to the Netherlands, where the fresh variety are still available in "smart shops."  The dried one are more potent but are now not supposed to be sold there.

    Good luck. -- Start with a small dose.  -- If you are having a bad time, remember that they'll wear off.


  4. What are those? Are they the kind that get you high?

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