
I'm Italian and I need help please!!?

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Hi! On july 5th I'm going to visit Ireland, can you please give me some advice like:

What's the weather like in Ireland and what should I wear in july.

(You know, it's very difficoult for me, in Italy there are about 38\39 degrees)

Thank You a lot




  1. Weather is very changable but mild, we don't have the extreme lows/highs of other countires on the same latitude. Before you go have a look at the met site;

    Bring a coat, you will need it and a warm top (fleece).

    Avoid going to N.Ireland/Ulster around the 11th,12th or 13th as the parades make it impossible to get around without using unmarked diversions

  2. bring some rainwear love other wise you will get wet to the bones

  3. We r gettin a lot of rain at the moment and its kinda chilly too so unless things change dramatically in a week i doubt ull be needing shorts. Better off to bring jeans, light jumpers and a rain coat and maybe a few tshirts in case it gets warm but at the mo i doubt it :(

  4. being to italy lovely country can be nice but then again  can be c**p enjoy

  5. it rains over half the year in ireland.

  6. Make sure u wear a North Face jacket so everyone will know ur a tourist!

  7. Well at the  moment the weather is horrible, cold and mostly raining, but we do sometimes get decent summers! (I still live in hope). The people here are really friendly and you will generally have no problems finding something to do and places to go, just come over and enjoy yourself, whatever the weather!

  8. It is warm in july but you can be guaranteed rain at some stage definately invest in a light rain jacket, important if you are sightseeing.

    Jeans and t-shirt will suffice perhaps a light jumper for the evening...

  9. The there is a subject. The only way to know what the Irish weather will do is to experience it and talk about it later.

    You have to have a solid rain coat for there has been some serious rain and no forecast that can be believed yet for Sun.

    Your heat level divide by two ,depending on how the wind blows you may be able to add 5 or subtract 5 degrees.

    The Sun will appear and when it does Ireland lights up if it does nor there is always the pub.Regardless a trip to Ireland ,Rain, Hail or and it does happen -Shine, is always memorable and a great talking point even if it is about the weather.Come to Enjoy and you will but its not Italy.

  10. Depend on where you are going really, if its the west then because of the atlantic you will get rain and mist but its all part of the experience and I personally love it! In the sunny south east you are usually safe from rain most days but pack a rain coat just in case. But hey, its really a cliche, do bring some summer clothes too I am sure you will not swimming in rain for your whole journey

  11. well went going to Ireland you can get any kind of weather.I would suggest definately bring a rain jacket and some long pants and jumpers.The weather is very unpredecitable for example today is the 28th of june and it rain alot of the today.Although july tends to be quite a warm and dry omnth so i suggest you bring some light summer clothes.the best advice i can give is be prepared for any type of weather


  12. It's very difficult to predict what the weather is like in Ireland in July. Be prepared for anything. Generally the daytime temperature is between 17 to 27 degrees, and it can rain quite heavily. It can also be beautifully sunny!

    My advice: pack your nice summer clothes, but bring a couple of pairs of jeans and some sweaters, and a good pair of shoes you can wear if it rains.

  13. It will probably be warm and wet, although if you are used to 38/39 degrees then you will probably think its mild/cold.

    Weather is also usually quite changable raining one day sunny the next.

    I hope you get some sunny days when you get there. (I'm basing this on the weather in england)

  14. Invest in a good quality rainwear like (Gortex) and water proof walking shoes. An umbrella (No good on a windy day). Also woolen pullovers as it can be chilly out of doors.Bear in mind that most ondoor places are centrally heated so light clothing in also required

  15. freddo....quando c'è il sole però ci sono almeno 21 quando viene la nuvola e la pioggia (quasi sempre) può scendere fino a 10...giubbottini d'obbligo..cold cold e cold!

  16. I suggest lots of warm clothes.

    I've just came back from there and my biggest mistake was not having enough clothes for when we landed.

    Woolly and rain proof, that's my advise.

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