
I'm LD in LA what should do to get over it ?

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i'm failing in LA and i'm LD what should i do to get my grade up i'm getting aC CCand a B




  1. You mean language Arts? Talk to your learning strategist or resource specialist. They can probably offer you a lot of good tricks! Some things you can do to help yourself are:

    -Type everything you can (like assignments you do at home)

    -Ask for accommodations on your IEP that allow you to use a computer when you do written exams

    -Use a program on your computer that reads text to you (There's a free one from read please, just Google it)

    -On your IEP, request books on tape

    -On your IEP request extra time for exams

    -Try putting spelling test words to the rhythm of your favorite music

    -Invest in an electronic spell checker (nothing fancy, you can get one for around 20$)

    -Use a ruler underneath each line you read if you get lost often

    With out knowing your exact LD/s it is hard to suggest more. If you add the details of your LD and what you find to be the most difficult, I may be able to offer more advice.

    If you don't have an IEP, request an evaluation. If they determine you have an LD, they will most likely create an IEP for you which will be filled with accomodations and modifications to help make current work easier, and remediation, to teach you how to do the things you don't know. Good luck!

    Things that should be no-brainers but are often overlooked by all people are:

    -Don't procrastinate. Give yourself miny due dates and meet them

    -Ask someone to profread your work

    -Get a good nights sleep before exams and eat a good breakfast

    -ASK FOR HELP! Most teachers want you to succeed, and will generally offer you extra guidance. You can also ask your parents and friends, and if you can afford it, you may consider getting a private tutor.

    And mainly don't be too hard on your self. I too have LD, so I know how hard it can be. But you can do it. Take breathers every now and then to do something you enjoy. Remember you have many strengths and talents; you simply learn differently.

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