
I'm Mexican but I like the Confederate flag!?

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I am sort of a Redneck supporter but do you know any other Mexican that's like me




  1. I know a lot of them.  Maybe not to that extent exactly, but good ol' boys nonetheless.   Redneck doesn't equate to "racist" and there are a lot of folks who don't get that.  Some can only see the history of slavery in that flag and fail to understand that some admire the few who stood against the many and the source of "Rebel Pride."

    Of course you'll get bashed for not sharing the knee jerk reaction that is expected.   Stand strong, give'em a rebel yell and then give'em h**l.

  2. Well brother, I support Neo Nazism and most probably don't like Spaniards, I mainly support Spanish fascism, i just support them because they are a right wing group as well as us.

    I also support Chilean fascism and Argentinian right wing political organizations.

    Even Cuban Nationalism.

    I'm now anti communist and because the Confederates were more of a right wing group than the yanks.

    I support them over the yanks.

    I don't support slavery, but i support miscegenation laws that they had.




  3. Remember that a lot of Confederates relocated to Mexico after their defeat.  Mexico was defeated by the federal troops 20 years earlier, so the rebs were probably welcomed.

  4. NO way would I support people who look down on me.  

  5. Like another poster said, you seem to have watched to many re-runs of the Dukes of Hazzard.  

    On the other hand, the idea of a Mexican liking the Confederate flag is so improbable that you're not likely to get hassled for it - but you can count on getting a lot of weird looks!

  6. well I dont know if its possible to be a mexican redneck seeing as its a cultural thing among white poeple

    thats like seeing a white pachuco or cholo

  7. I have a cousin who is a deadbeat, out of work, lazy *** who still viscously supports Bush.

    I'll tell you exactly what I tell him:

    Why would you put so much into people who would just as easily cut you from the herd?

    Get it together man.

  8. Maybe you should understand the meaning behind the confederate flag before you embrace but hey if you like the colors go ahead. i wouldnt be waving a n**i flag just because i liked the design

  9. You've been watching too much Dukes of Hazzard.

  10. There are plenty of Mexican American "Rednecks," very rural oriented people  and conservative, just look at Chicanos from thee south Texas valley and from Northern Georgia, to name a few. I have seen plenty of stars and bars in both places on the vehicles of Mexican Americans. Mexican Americans have been part of the makeup of the south for a long time. There is nothing wrong with being proud of southern history.

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