
I'm Moving To Moscow, Russia. What can i expect?

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My dad is getting his job transfered to Moscow, Russia. He majored in Russian Studies a while back- so he knows most of the language. Right Now, I live in Milwaukee,WI. I am sad because i have to leave all my friends and family here in the States.

We just sold our home and are buying a condo in downtown.

Anyway, what is Moscow like?? I've heard so many rumors that they're all cranky, mean rapists. IM SCARED!

What is it like?!!!

I'm 14 by the way.




  1. well its gonna be completely awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! yea u have to be more careful then ever since ur new and they can hear ur accent is from the U.S so yea be very careful, but if u wer a bit older i wud say u should be looking forward to concerts guys and fun!!!!

  2. I think that your dad can give you a good outlook being that he majored in Russian Studies. Moscow is for the wealthy, it is the most expensive place to vacation to, and it's not being people are all dying to see the "cranky, mean rapists." It's because of the beautiful architecture, culture, and history that lies in the city. Moscow is much like many other European cities. People are people, and there will be cultural differences, but being mean or a rapists is still not accepted there, just like it isn't here. You will experience culture shock, but Russia is very westernized, so you'll have your McDonalds + KFC.

  3. They are people, I am certain you will find some good ones, be cautious, there is a lot of alcohol being consumed there, and you do not want to be in with a drinking group. Like everywhere else , alcohol is big problem there,as well. Stay close to your Dad, and get his opinion on where to go and with whom ,until you feel more comfortable.  

    There is much to see in Moscow, I hope you get opinions from recent travelers. Wishing you the best. You will be missed by  your friends at home as well, keep in contact with them.......

  4. Learn a song before you go.

    (or at least learn the chorus)

    They're just people, like anyone else.  Learn to read Cyrillic to take your mind off things.  It's more than likely that half the people you meet will want to practice their English on you.

  5. Congratulations!

    1. Do not worry about crime. In Moscow, the number of murders is less than in Detroit or Los Angeles.

    2. Do not worry about the weather. In Moscow summer warmer than in Wisconsin.

    3. Do not worry about friends. In Moscow, many young people are studying English and will be very happy to practise, conversing with you.

  6. You need to be careful about stereotyping all Moscovites as "cranky, mean rapists."  Moscow has jerks and criminals, but so does every city big and small.  Jeffrey Dahmer committed his brutal acts in Milwaukee, but it doesn't mean Milwaukee is full of cannibals.  Of course, like in any city you wouldn't want to walk alone without company.

  7. read up on life in moscow.  it is one of the expensive place to live in.

  8. yes, on the first glance, Russians can look little rude or aggressive, - it is very big city, very crowded, very busy.

    On the other side, as soon as you get to know some of them personally, you can have pretty good friends and from this point you can also see that many of them are generouse and and funny and have a big heart.

    1 to 6 male-female ratio is very exaturated, it is not true.

    But Moscow also very beautiful city, stunning architecture,

    broad streets, museum, exhibitions, concert halls, life is boiling there like crazy and you can have a lot of fun, it is never boring.  as soon as you get friends there, local people will be more then happy to take you around city, show places.

    Yeah, drinking IS a problem, as you hang out with Russians you have to learn how to avoid drinking, cause you won't be able to keep up with them on this and you shouldn't. Oh, one more thing there a lot of racists there, so if you have non-Caucasian appearance, - watch out!!!

  9. What school will you go to? If it's a Russian school, you'd better learn the language. You'd better start thinking about education and stuff. I suppose there are private foreign schools too , but that might be expensive.

    In any case , you'd better start learning to read Russian now. Reading is quite simple , although the grammar is not what I'd call simple... Russian is the 3rd hardest language in the world.

    In Russia most people only speak Russian , and all the signs and stuff are in Russian , so you'd better start learning.

    Anyway , you can certainly expect a big change. Russia is very unique and pretty different from the rest of the world. I've heard Moscow is the most expensive city in the world...

    Now, I don't know what it's like where you're presently living , but Moscow is not what I'd call very clean.

    Moscow is a VERY busy city , with a very fast-moving life. That's why many Russians love it so much and try to move their from all over the country - they love the buzz of living in Moscow.

    In Moscow people work hard for a living , but people earn very good money in Moscow , especially compared to other places in Russia.

    You will find a wide variety of standards of living and social classes in Moscow , and in Russia in general.Some are poor , some are rich , some are VERY rich , some are average.

    There are even some homeless.

    in Moscow you can find ANYTHING and ANYONE. Moscow is a melting pot , like America. You find a wide variety of nationalities and ethnic groups.

    In Moscow there are many fashion stores - Russian girls/women LOVE shopping generally and LOVE fashion.

    There are many nightclubs , restaurants , cinemas , etc.

    It's just your average busy city. Some like it , some don't.

    Personally , it's not my cup of tea. It's too big and too busy for me.. It makes me scared I'll get lost o.0

    All cranky , mean rapists? Well , there is some crime , yes...But don't let that put you off. Many people love Moscow. (I love Russia but not Moscow)

    Just ignore the stereotypes. Russians are stereotyped as prostitutes , mafia , & addicted to vodka. AS IF. It's all LIES.

    Russians are normal people , like everyone else. I think we're nice :)

    I'm 14 too. 5 years ago I had to move from Russia to Malta. It was a big change , but it turned out OK for me.

    My advice to you is - learn the language. It's very , VERY improtant. Most people don't understand English there.

    Overall , Russia is nice.But tastes are not to be argued about. I love the spice of Russian life. Hope you'll like it too :)

    I wish you all the best , and hope you'll fit in fine in Moscow and have a great time there.

    Good Luck :) !

    P.S Glyn B 's link is to a Russian folk song - I think he was joking. Ignore him lol. In the meantime, I do think it's a good idea that you try to familiarize yourself with the Russian culture , traditions and history a bit! I wish you an exciting and wonderful journey! Enjoy Russia! :)

    PSS - Oh yeah , the weather. Summers are normally hot. Fall is wet and rainy. Winters are cold and snowy - expect below 0 C temperatures , but not much - Moscow winters are generally warmer than everywhere else in Russia. Spring can be a bit muddy , because of the melted snow blended with dust - but I don't know if that's what happens in Moscow, too.I've never been in Moscow in spring. Good Luck!:)

    Oh , and ignore Richard L's answer - horribly stereotypical and prejudiced! Ignore what these people say - they're stupid , ok?

    It's NOT true that Russians are alcoholics! Russians drink no more that Americans or Germans or French do.

  10. Russia? Great Place! It's very busy like New York. I love it. I've just been there for work business. The city is not that bad. Good luck to you.

  11. I'm Russian and i have been to Moscow a long time ago... before you go i suggest you built up your alcohol tolerance... your going to be punishing your liver while your there....

  12. You maybe wont find a boyfriend as easy.

    Women outnumber men 4-1 in Russia.

  13. get ready for big change!  however, the russians might like you and teach you about their culture! learn all you can, because i promise you that your dad will want to come back after a year of the cold!

  14. just tall white nearly colorless vodka addicted ppl in addition to extremley cold weather...

  15. for girl is not fun..first the population is 6 woman 1 man and those girls r so cute for sure ....i think is g b fun for your dad!!!! no for you no for your mom for sure

    russian boys and man are so rude and kind of cheap..dont expet any comparation ...

    russian people are good i am not sure about from who u get those histories...

    but well s*x is s*x and is free girls have s*x at the age of 14 or 13...only u have to be care....beware.....

    ahh last thing girls drink vodka wine and beer a lotttttttttttttttt

  16. They're not all creepy, mean rapists!! Don't ever buy into geographic stereotypes, although I must say I've never heard that one. It's probably a little colder than what you're used to, but new experiences are something most people are never treated to! You're lucky!

  17. it will be an upgrade from Milwaukee.... may even be warmer too. plus you'll get to wear the really cool fur hats

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