
I'm NOT delusional or crazy!?

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OK, I know that nobody's going to believe me, but I need some advice as to what to do about this. I can see into people's bodies. Like an X-ray. Not psychic or anything. I just focus real hard on one spot and I can see it. I've only told my brother, and he laughed. I'm not living an illusion and I'm NOT insane. I don't have schitzophrenia or anything. I just need to know how to tell people this.




  1. there are courses you can go on to develop your "gift" and learn about it, google psychic development courses

  2. cool you could make lots of money

  3. Here's some serious advice.

    You're only 14. I would suggest you don't say ANYTHING to ANYONE about it.

    If you see something majorly wrong, you can just casually say, "Granma, have you ever been tested for osteoporosis, because I've heard ladies your age can get it?" Stuff like that.

    You are WAY too young to be tested, badgered, forced to heal people or coerced into doing the million and one things other people will want you to do.

    Not only that, but sometimes children or teenagers develop mildly "psychic" powers, but they lose them when they become an adult. If they've told people about it, they then get told they are a "fraud" or a "liar".

    If it's going to be with you forever, you've got your whole life to be tested etc; right now you should be concentrating on leading a NORMAL happy adolescence. Being a teenager is hard enough without having to deal with X-ray vision as well.

    I really hope you listen to this.

  4. seek and ye shall find. This is what you searched for and that is what you found. Simple as that.

  5. Your not the only one.  I saw an episode where there was a girl in Russia or Germany that can do that same exact thing.  People would stop by her house and shed have a look ant shed write down what see see that's wrong with them.  To prove this they let her do her thing on a person who had something wrong with them and the patient didn't tell her anything and then the patient went to the hospital right after and they did some exams and saw the same exact thing in the x rays.  So it was proven that this type of very very very rare but plausible.

  6. You probably have the same ability that some healers have. They can tell what's wrong with a person and what area it's in. After they identify the problem...they pray..or lay on hands..or whatever they do that area. I think it's an exchange of energy or something. Someone else who knows about this on here can tell you. Why don't you try this? Every time you see something (like your gramma's knees) write it down in a journal and show someone else..who you trust ..who won't laugh or think you're crazy.... Have them sign their name and the date they saw it. Then..if that person goes to the dr. and finds out they have this disease or can verify that you knew this beforehand. Then...when people begin to believe can find someone who also knows about these abilities to guide you. I think if you have this has a purpose..and that's to help others with early detection of diseases or problems. Don't go telling everybody in the whole wide world about it. If you'll get laughed at a lot..and maybe worse. Also, there will be people who will be jealous of you...and they can hurt you..and your reputation.Good Luck! I hope it's real and I hope you can help lots and lots of people. (and animals too...don't forget them!!!)

  7. No you are not insane. You are incredibly gifted. You do not need to prove yourself, your gift or your sanity to anyone. You need to give yourself time to be able to accept your ability, you are only young and have a very long life ahead of you. You will know when you are truly ready to utilise your skill. Keep it on the quiet for a while. At least until you have come to terms with it - and are not so freaked out about it. Trust yourself that in time you will make decisions about your life that you will be comfortable with. You will be able to help people - they don't necessarily have to know how you are able to help them - there is numerous careers that you could choose to incorporate your talent into a particular chosen field. Physical Therapist, Remedial Massage,  Nursing ( At this age, what you are seeing, may only be the start of things to come. You will know and you will be OK.

    Good Luck!

  8. This is so cool!  I watched a tv show called "Psychic Children" on A&E once and a boy that this same gift! He used it to help him be an assistant to the sport's trainer/physical therapist at his school.  Maybe you can do something like that?

  9. I think this is sort of the gift that Edgar Cacey had. So, no I don't think you are crazy. Sorry, I don't know if I spelled his last name  right.

  10. my darlin. oh my god... now, do noty listen to anyone explain this away.. im hearing you and i believe you. i have heard of one person who does this... sylvia browne, who by the way, some people say is a fake, but she is not. she does exactly what you do and she is a famous clairvoyant. you are clairvoyant. that is what it means to see paranormal stuff through any form of sight. wow! you are special and need to contact someone. you were given this gift to help others, and that you must do. you will attract the way, as your gift is too special and rare to let it go i promise. i believe the website is    she has many books and you must go on ebay or whatever and buy some and read them. please do that. she is the only one i have heard of who is alive who has the special ability you do. you will be known for this one day...  do not be afraid of your gifts... you  have them for a reson, and you must speak out about it. some will believe you, some will not. you must contact a paranormal lab so they can test you and you can do good with it. i wish you luck and the strength to show people what you know and see :)

  11. First crazy is not a medical or science term it is just a subjective word that people like to use "He has Crazy prices!!!!"

    Next, delusional is a symptom of some mental disorders so few people can say they are not delusional with any authority (for instance does the licensed mental health counselor you went to see for confirmation that you are not delusional agree with you?)

    Next Schizophrenia can only be diagnosed by qualified professionals (have you been tested for schizophrenia and had someone qualified rule it out as a diagnosis?)

    Insane is a legal (again not medicine or science) and unless you have been ruled insane in that you are correct you are presumed sane.

    You won't be able to convince people by telling them you will have to demonstrate the ability.

    Next, you will need people (as someone already suggested) with hip replacements, metal pins or something not normally present (saying you see a persons heart is useless unless you can see something unusual that that can be verified).

    Then you will have to set up test to test your ability and accuracy.

    If you live near a university or medical research center they may be willing to assist you in this.

    You might also contact the people at the link below.


  12. Wow! Now this is cool!!!! That is my honest reaction!!!

    I think the others that are telling you to prove it, are right.

    Have you ever considered becoming a doctor or nurse?

    What about working with children, especially the babies and toddlers, since they have a tough time explaining how they feel unless it is pain. I think that you have a gift, use it and don't worry about what others think or accept, that is a person's own delima!

    I believe you and I think that it is wonderful and i hope you use this gift to help others!

    God Bless!

  13. An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. While illusions distort reality, they are generally shared by most people.[1] Illusions may occur with more of the human senses than vision, but visual illusions, optical illusions, are the most well known and understood. The emphasis on visual illusions occurs because vision often dominates the other senses. For example, individuals watching a ventriloquist will perceive the voice is coming from the dummy since they are able to see the dummy mouth the words.[2] Some illusions are based on general assumptions the brain makes during perception. These assumptions are made using organizational principles, like Gestalt, an individual's ability of depth perception and motion perception, and perceptual constancy. Other illusions occur because of biological sensory structures within the human body or conditions outside of the body within one’s physical environment.

    The term illusion refers to a specific form of sensory distortion. Unlike a hallucination, which is a distortion in the absence of a stimulus, an illusion describes a misinterpretation of a true sensation. For example, hearing voices regardless of the environment would be a hallucination, whereas hearing voices in the sound of running water (or other auditory source) would be an illusion.

    Mimes are known for a repertoire of illusions that are created by physical means. The mime artist creates an illusion of acting upon or being acted upon by an unseen object. These illusions exploit the audience's assumptions about the physical world. Well known examples include "walls", "climbing stairs", "leaning", "descending ladders", "pulling and pushing" etc.

    An optical illusion is always characterized by visually perceived images that, at least in common sense terms, are deceptive or misleading. Therefore, the information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain to give, on the face of it, a percept that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source. A conventional assumption is that there are physiological illusions that occur naturally and cognitive illusions that can be demonstrated by specific visual tricks that say something more basic about how human perceptual systems work.

    [edit] Auditory illusions

    Main article: Auditory illusion

    An auditory illusion is an illusion of hearing, the sound equivalent of an optical illusion: the listener hears either sounds which are not present in the stimulus, or "impossible" sounds. In short, audio illusions highlight areas where the human ear and brain, as organic, makeshift tools, differ from perfect audio receptors (for better or for worse). One of exampes of auditory illusions is a Shepard tone.

    [edit] Tactile illusions

    Main article: Touch illusion

    Examples of tactile illusions include phantom limb, the thermal grill illusion, the cutaneous rabbit illusion and a curious illusion that occurs when the crossed index and middle fingers are run along the bridge of the nose with one finger on each side, resulting in the perception of two separate noses. Interestingly, the brain areas activated during illusory tactile perception are similar to those activated during actual tactile stimulation[3]. Tactile illusions can also be elicited through haptic technology[4]. These "illusory" tactile objects can be used to create "virtual objects"[5]

    [edit] Other senses

    Illusions can occur with the other senses including that of taste and smell. It was discovered that even if some portion of the taste receptor on the tongue became damaged that illusory taste could be produced by tactile stimulation.[6]. Evidence of olfactory (smell) illusions occurred when positive or negative verbal labels were given prior to olfactory stimulation[7].

    [edit] Disorders

    Some illusions occur as result of an illness or a disorder. While these types of illusions are not shared with everyone they are typical of each condition. For example migraine suffers often report Fortification illusions.

    [edit] References

    ^ Solso, R. L. (2001). Cognitive psychology (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.ISBN 0-205-30937-2

    ^ McGurk,H. & MacDonald, J.(1976). "Hearing lips and seeing voices", Nature 264, 746-748.

    ^ Gross, L 2006

    ^ Robles-De-La-Torre & Hayward 2001

    ^ The Cutting Edge of Haptics (MIT Technology Review article)

    ^ Todrank, J & Bartoshuk, L.M., 1991

    ^ Herz R. S. & Von Clef J., 2001

    Yoon Mo Jung and Jackie (Jianhong) Shen (2008), J. Visual Comm. Image Representation, 19(1):42-55, First-order modeling and stability analysis of illusory contours.

    [edit] See also

    Wikimedia Commons has media related to:

    Optical illusionAugmented reality for a more radical approach to the possibility of illusion


    Dream argument

    Simulated reality

    Best Rotating Illusions Video

    Make own Illusion video

  14. I believe that you probably believe you have this ability. However, I also believe you have a very big imagination and a desire to be special.

    I could be wrong, you could somehow be able to see in another spectrum of light that would allow you to see inside people, but I and most other people are not going to believe you until you prove it.

    Here is what you need to do.

    1) Talk to someone at your local newspaper and see if they will help you set up an unbias test and publish the story.

    2) Go to  and apply for the million dollar challenge. they will set up a preliminary test with you and when you pass that, you will help them set up a test that will prove your abilities without doubt.

    3) Collect $1 million dollars, you no longer have to fear having your sanity questioned. Go on with your life and become a doctor or nurse or something. The million dollars should help with your college and then some.

  15. If I was in your position and didn't want to be put through all the tasks that you would have to do, then I'd keep quiet. That is not to say hide it but use it in a way that nobody knows. What I'm trying to say is, if you see something wrong with somebody let them know in another way that is totally removed from you saying "I can see inside your body". Something like oh my stomach has been giving me some pain and I think I better see a doctor. There by leading them into mentioning their problem and you saying sounds like you've got a problem with your liver,kidney,bowel, whatever. Hope that whatever you choose to do, you choose the right thing.

  16. I feel for you - I defy various laws of physics from time to time myself and the need to talk about it without getting locked up can sometimes be overwhelming.

    I'd say learn up on biology.  It'll deepen your gift, and give you a language for voicing your insights that people will embrace instead of reject.  Do confide in people, but very gradually - give them time to understand.  Don't get drawn into proving yourself though, as what's serious to you can often be just entertainment for others.  You already know who's right, save yourself the hassle!

  17. I think that this is very interesting, and no, I do not think you are crazy. Im being serious about this, and i suggest you the following. Go to a hospital, and talk to a doctor about this, tell him everything you know( youll see what i mean)

    tell him to bring one pacient with some sort of bone problem. The you should "analyze" the pacient. Perhaps the doctor wont believe you, but dont give up.

    PS( do you see through the body ONLY when you focus on a specific part of the body, or do you naturally see it, without having to focus?)

  18. People will never accept that it is true even if it is.  It is the nature of man to not believe in miracles.  Learn to do good with your gift.  Don't feel pressured to prove it to everyone, instead, practice and develop the talent and direct or channel your efforts to a good cause.

    Good Luck

  19. SWEET!! How cool is that? LOL I wish I could do that!

    In a way I don't believe you.....but I definitly believe you do do SOMETHING and you definitely think you can see peoples bones.

    In another way  I kinda do believe you. Sometimes I have this abnormal feeling or something weird happens to me... like things that would happen to aphsyicic but just like you I don't believe in phsycics. It's kinda freaky.

    Have you been studying bones or anything lately? Maybe your brain is just making you think you are seeing people's bones. You know, like it's playing tricks on you.

    Maybe your medication is affecting your abilities? Who knows..maybe one day you'll be able to fly! haha jk.

    I'd recommend keeping quiet about it (only for now though) unless you feel a need to tell someone.

  20. I think that ability is awesome. I say if you want to help others than you just have to face the facts, you are obviously not a normal teen. Any one who practices healing like reiki can do it, it just takes practice. I think if you studied reiki it  would be really awesome. Look up reiki you would like it.

  21. sounds to me like you have some sort of healing ability. I do believe you as I have a friend who can do the same. I'm not entirely sure what that is, but I do know people who can do that. Take it seriously. You've already learned one lesson from it, with your grandmother. Next time, say something. you don't even have to say how you know. Just say, "you should take more calcium grandma" or "you might want to get your knee looked at". You know??


    A girl has a power like this, if she stared at things for 2 minutes she could see throughout them try testing this on your friends have them hold out there hand look at it and see what you can name

    and you must be luckily A++++ FOR You in Anatomy SUBJECTS ^^:)^^

    Read more from the links below!

    ^^ Hope this helped !!!^^ :)

  23. Get in touch with your Spiritual Church,,,you mey having Healing hands,,,,

  24. If you truly believe this, then you need to empirically prove it.  In other words, if you aren't just imagining things, then you should be able to detect things such as hip replacements or a steel plate in someone's forehead.  Have you thought about visiting a hospital and doing some impromptu tests?

  25. Wo thats brilliant :) You need to go and see someone and prove your skill and put it to good use

    Good luck! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  26. ok for the sake of argument lets say this is real..

    first of all take time to understand what is going on.

    once you have learned to master this ability.

    then you need to help people. it is up to you how you want to do it.

    for now till you grow up you may want to subtly suggest to people that they may need to go to the doctor. for  example as someone said before-grandma i really really think you should go to the doctor right now.

    you could continue behind the scense like this but i suggest doing one of the following

    either eventually let the world know so people can come to you and wont have to go through (as stated before me) all those expensive painfull tests to find out whats wronge.

    or you could go into the feild of medicine that way you will just be an amazing doctor.

    whatever you eventually choose to do cause i do think you need time to accept and master your ability,

    you cannot just pretend you dont have it. i mean you could save peoples lives.

    think about it, you could save people time money and most important, lives. you could save lives.

    take your time and you will find your path.

    good luck and God bless.

    by the way, i could really use someone like you, i have been to like 4 diff kinds of doctors  and i still dont know whats wronge..  i just hope it aint seriouse and i do actually figure it out before it hurts me bad.

  27. There are a couple of possibilities here.  Either you and you alone have eyes that can see through solid objects or else you are using a bit of your imagination to "see" things.

    Think about it.  Do you have any idea what would have to be in order for x-ray vision to be a possibility?  You entire eye would have to be different than anyone else's.  If you had the physiological mechanisms that would allow x-ray vision you wouldn't be able to see visible light.

    However, I don't want to discourage you from learning more about this.  The only way to verify this ability is to test it.  Go to a radiologist and see if your x-ray vision is better than what he/she has to work with.  If so, then you could make a bundle.

  28. Congratulations your skills will be invaluable.You will be a lifesaver for many sick and injured people.Go to a docter and tell them.If one doesn't believe you keep trying until you find one who does.It should be easy to demonstrate.You owe it to humanity,do not waste this gift.I look forward to hearing about all the lives you save in the very near future.

  29. it is very very strange; you better prove people that you can do what you can do;go to a doctor ;tell him to bring a man or woman who has a fracture but the doctor doesn't tell you where is the fracture ; if you can see throw bodies you will now where is the fracture and then you will tell somebody and you will have the prove i know that it sounds weird even crazy but is the only thing that is in my mind with your problem

  30. this is a wonderful thing but not something other people would understand.  you have the challenge of finding a way to get people the help they need without letting them know.

  31. I think you must be tested for this gift?, to make sure that you Indeed have this wonderful ability. As a matter of fact I can, and do Believe you. If you are able to actually do this "It Is nothing short of a miraculous ability. On the other hand, If you are fooling around?, always remember, you  can fool some of the people some of the time. You cannot fool all of the people all of the time........... What a total embarrassment that would be. Final thoughts to you. Get It checked by professionals or you will be thought of as the biggest dope on the Internet.

    Please don't think you are being funny?, If you are joking?. That makes you a very sick little person.

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