
I'm Nervous? the first day of school and transferring.

by Guest62449  |  earlier

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im transferring schools and im going to be in 8'th not going to know anybody. im really scared. any tips on how to keep my cool during the first day.




  1. Don't worry about it!

    You will find friends if you are open to new people.

    Just relax and be yourself.

    8th grade was the best year of middle school for me, high school blows! lol

    So just take it in while you can and enjoy it.

  2. Beat someone up on the first day, that way no one will mess with you.

  3. I was in the same situation, but I was a sophomore in high school.  My advice for you is to sit back and watch.  Take time to see who you want to be friends with-in terms of who is your type.  I ran around with my neighbor for a while just because I didn't know anyone else-that didn't work well in the long run.  Just be yourself-but with a little extra confidence as well-I'm sure you have a lot to offer as well!  Good luck!

  4. I'm in the same situation. I'm an incoming sophomore and I'm going to a new school. Trust me, I am freaked out, but this is my sixth school, so i guess i should be used to it,

    Just don't worry, people usually take pity on new people. Just try to be an all around nice person and people will help you out. If you can't find room 405 ask somebody where it is, unless they hate your guts, they'll tell you, and as for meeting new people, trust me, you'll make friends fast. I've never had lunch by myself on a first day. Some lonely group is always going to try to snatch you up. Theres nothing to worry about :)


    1. Walk in with a smile, even if it's fake.

    2. Arrive at least ten minutes early so you can find everything you need to find with time

    3. ASK for help. IF you don't ask people to help you, you'll most likely be screwed

    4. Everything works out, if it didn't you'd either die or go to jail and thats not going to happen in this situation

    Have fun and good luck :)

    ps. Bath and Body works has a stress aromatherapy thing that might help :)

  5. well your transfering at the begining of school which helps but id say just be yourself be cool and dont worry youll find friends

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