
I'm Not Having A 16th Birthday Party. What Could I Do Instead?

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my birthday is September 17th, and i'm gonna be turning 16. I can't have a 16th birthday party, because we are tight on money.(we can't even pay the discover bill) I am hoping I can have a big party for my 17th birthday, which is also going to be my Golden Birthday. What can I do the 17th that would just sort of let me remember it?? Is asking my family(mom, dad, sister, brother) to get me a couple gifts(1 each or something)? I want to remember it. We usually go out to eat and the birthday person gets to pick, so we might do that, the weekend after because my dad works. Would could I do for my 16th, and is asking my family to get me a couple girls wrong?





  2. wait it out to halloween, and have an all day horror movie marathon and sit arounda ll warm and comfy lol

    thats wat i'd do lol

    try it

  3. you  dont always need to have birthday party,s I  think you  should save for next year or when your 18 yrs I am 17 and next year I will be having a sleepover party hope fully   next year  

    but you can always cook a cake  get a few loilies get some movies and sit at home and watch them with friends it doesnt always have to cost money ( focus on your 18th  )

  4. omg my bday is the same day! and im turning 16 too!!

    im asking for a tattoo

  5. You can invite your friends over for lunch and make it like a "buffet", Everyone brings one dish. Or everyone brings junk food and candy. You can watch a movie at your house and it won't cost anything. You can all go buy cake mix and make a cake together. Or you can simply just hang out. There are so many things you can do that aren't expensive or that are even free. And you shouldn't ask you family to get you gifts, I'm sure they will be getting you some anyways.

    Happy birthday in advance, have fun :)

  6. You don't have to have money to have a memorable birthday,have a birthday lunch with you and you family,friends.

  7. No, it's not wrong, they would understand.

    You should ask if you could have a couple girlfriends over for a sleepover. Nothing big, just ask everyone to bring some movies, you could do make-overs, make cupcakes.. you can do a lot of stuff cheap at home, and I am sure your parents wouldn't mind, since it's your birthday.

  8. Do this:

    Clear out a big space in your living room, family room, basment or backyard. Set up a table with chips, dip and soda. Get or borrow an iPod and some iPod speakers or a boombox and a bunch of cool mix cds. Play the music, but kind of softly. Now, buy or MAKE a pinata. Fill it with useful things, like school supplies, sugarless gum, go to a dollar store and fill up a cart (you ca easily fill one up for 10 dollars if you're smart). So hang the pinata up  in the middle of the room, and get something to break it with. Also, get a big long pole so you can do the limbo! They may seem like little kid games, but with the right people limbo and pinatas can be tons of fun. You can also have a crazy dance contest, in which you pick a song that def. isn't for dancing and see who can make the best dance.

    For a cake, just get a plain cake mix at the supermarket and decorate it. For dinner, make a big pot of vegetarian chili (cheaper than meat chili) and hopefully everyone'll have fun.

  9. you and some of your friends go to the movies and lunch or something

  10. Maybe have a game day thing, like invite over you closes friends, and have you family there too, and just play board games you have around your house

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