
I'm Notifying Children's Services?

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I'm been contemplating about notifying Children's Services for over a year now. I know, a long time. I've been debating cause I know the child is happy in a way, but, she really needs help.

The child is suffering terribly with schizophrenia, but the family refuses to accept her condition. She is 15, and acting out badly. (Drinking, Drugs, s*x and even looking for an internet relationship) Every 2 months she goes on about running away to be with her boyfriend in Texas, and then she goes on about Iraq, and so on. She is the typical girl who 'falls in love' and automatically will do anything for them.

She apparently loves her life, but she is living a very dangerous life. Doing all that, and even starting fires in her bedroom. (Out of boredom or frustration) She gets mad over nothing and gets very aggressive. I'm worried she is going to hurt herself, and others. (Even death)

I'm just not sure if Children's Services would actually do anything. Do you think they would?

Cause they are not treating her mental state, and she is getting worse and dangerous. AND YES, she does in fact have Schizophrenia. The doctor comfirmed it before she moved, but like I said, the family is pulling a blind eye.

(I've even witnessed her bang her head on a basketball post)




  1. Call..If nothing is done for her at least you tried.

  2. Call maybe something can be done for the child. Her parents should get her some type of help, if they haven't already. You are doing a good thing by trying to help the child. Good way to approach the situation. Maybe talking to her parents would help as well. They may not know what to do.

  3. Well  you should be commended for your care and concern her parents don't seem to mind or can't afford it but don't tell  anyone you did it or you will make allot of bad feelings and enemies just do it knowing you are helping.But it is true they are over worked and under paid and many cases get swept under the rug and bad things happen.She needs medication and counseling.They can get medical coverage for children under 18 in most states by going to the department of welfare.Good Luck hope this helped.

  4. Child Protective Services. A government entity run and staffed by a whole bunch of people who do not have kids of their own but seem to know right out of college that they can tell you how to raise yours...

    So my initial comment is a stereotype, sue me.

    Know that when you call CPS, they have to open a file and at least investigate the complaint. This is by law in many states. In my opinion, too many people call CPS when it is not truly warranted. So before you call, be absolutely sure that the child has schizophrenia, and that the parents are choosing not to treat it. If the parents are treating it, and these runaways are just part of what is going on, I am sure the parents are already torn apart by it. So why introduce another aggravating factor into their lives?

    If you know, and I mean you really do have knowledge that the parents are not treating this child for a diagnosed condition, then call. Otherwise, stay out of it.

  5. I say most defiantly call! I think  you would be doing the right thing. She obviously needs the help and isn't going to get it from her parents!!

  6. ok

    EDIT:  Why all the "thumbs down"?  She didn't ask a question.  She just told us she's calling CPS.  Should I have said "Please, don't!"???

  7. My suggestion:  Call social services and get in touch with the police.  This girl is a menace but it is not her fault.  If her family is turning a blind eye to these antics we will read about them in news as the family butchered by their teenage girlfriend and her 23 year old drifter boyfriend.  You can call social services anonymously and the police anonymously.  I also recommend talking to the counselor at school or a competent teacher who can rally some support.  This is nothing to sit idle by.  The girl can do serious damage to those around her and to herself.

  8. The system is badly broken, I know from personal experience.  The pigs won't do anything if she isn't an immediate (as in knife-in-hand) danger to herself or someone else.  You can contact your County Mental Health office, but since you are not related to her, I doubt they will do anything either.  If she does anything crazy, don't bother calling the pigs, call Mental Health.

  9. For the parents to ignore their child's situation is a form of abuse in and of itself.  The best interests of the child is the keynote here.

    Child Protection Services will remove the child from the home in order to safeguard the child from herself in these circumstances.

    By all means report this situation to the social services people.  It is your duty and the right thing to do for the child.

    God bless you for your concern.

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