
I'm ONLY 13....and my eyes..?

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im only 13 and my Rx is around -8.00 (i know, its really high...) If I dont have my glasses, is that like... equivalent to being blind? (i'm not trying to make fun of anyone!!!!!) because i can see the outlines from far away, but i can barely see the details, sometimes, i cant even see them. even if its like... a big dot, ill see just a blur of color in the middle. I read somewhere that eyesight is determined by the size and shape of your eye. and for near-sighted people, their corneas focus light too strongly for the length of their eyes, usually because their eyes have grown longer. and that's apparently why carrots and computers don't effect your vision, because they cant change my eye.

if that is true, how do i make light, not focus on my eye that badly?

and, is it true, that if that happens, your pupil will get smaller?

and is it true that some people cannot see their iris because it is the same color as their pupil???

thanks! sorry! i have a lot of questions!

p.s. nicole (hammer) dont answer if your answer is going to be something I already know like " dont read in the dark ".




  1. It would be close to being legally blind, I know the length of the gap and the focusing ability of the eye control this for the most part. but there is also the consideration that the cones in the back of the eye are not picking things up well. Eating the right foods is not bad, but any changes would be minor at best. Do you also have any type of degeneration in your eyes? the only thing you can do to limit the amount of light getting into your eyes is try light sunglasses or a tint, or make sure the light is indirect rather than directly in front of you. Allowing your pupil to open farther then with direct light. Just try different situations until you find one that works good for you.  

  2. fine ill say that you shouldn't worry about it and just wear glasses hahaha!!! hmm and if you look at light yes your pupil gets smaller lol!

  3. Q: If I dont have my glasses, is that like... equivalent to being blind?

    A: No.  Being blind is worse than having your glasses off.  Smear some Vaseline on your glasses or look through several thickness of Saran Wrap with your glasses on.  Compare that to view with glasses on.  Looking through glasses with Vaseline or Sarah wrap is like being legally blind.

    Q:  I read somewhere that eyesight is determined by the size and shape of your eye. and for near-sighted people, their corneas focus light too strongly for the length of their eyes, usually because their eyes have grown longer. and that's apparently why carrots and computers don't effect your vision, because they cant change my eye.

    if that is true, how do i make light, not focus on my eye that badly?

    A:  True.  Myopia is due to a miss match between corneal curvature, lens curvature and eye length.  To make light focus on your eye correctly you can wear glasses, wear contacts or have laser surgery.

    Q: and, is it true, that if that happens, your pupil will get smaller?

    A: No.  Wearing glasses or contacts will not change your pupil size.

    Q: and is it true that some people cannot see their iris because it is the same color as their pupil???

    A:  Sorta.  It is that they can't see their pupil because it is the same colour as the iris.  If you have a very dark brown iris, it is hard to see the difference between the iris and the pupil

  4. Yes, without your glasses on you are basically blind. A legally blind guy is someone who can't read the largest letter on the snellen chart from a distance of 20 feet WITH THE BEST POSSIBLE GLASSES. Many people are "legally blind" without glasses. In fact, everyone above about -3 diopeters are legally blind without them ( ).

    Now, you can't make light focus on your retina (the light sensitive part of your eye) correctly. You need glasses to basically counteract the strength of your eyes in order to see clearly. The only way to repair refractive error is to go through refractive surgery, in which a laster ablates some of your corneal tissue, diminishing some of the strength and length of the eye, thus giving you perfect vision.

    I didn't understand your second question. What do you mean by "the pupil will get smaller"?

    As for your third question, the only condition of the sort is called aniridia ( ), in which the iris isn't present, making the eyes look like a big pupil. As for normal colors, no color is that dark.

  5. I think you should stop worrying about how big your eyes are and start worrying about how big your heart is.

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