
I'm Paranoid they will lose my baby... Does any one feel like this?

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my husband an i are trying to have a baby. and i am terrified that they will misplace my baby, and give it to someone else.

my cousin when she had her son they took the bracelet off and they had to figure out which baby was which between him and 4 others. luckily the could tell which one was hers because pictures and the really dark hair.

But I'm really worried something will happen and my baby will be switched.

i wanted to make a bracelet and put it on its ankle but everyone says i cant.

Also i am stationed in germany with my husband and i don't understand german so its gonna be very hard to understand them and i would just be more comfortable to keep my baby next to me.

has anyone else felt like this and what did you do?

~*Thank You*~




  1. You can buy outfit clothes for babies then you won't be confused, and you or someone can follow the baby where they go to, the doctor will let you keep the baby in room with you, they also will put your baby bracelet on ankle and wrist with parent's id number,  where my son had both of them and He keep them on til I bring him home I take it off. Don't worry, just keep eyes on the baby. Good luck!

  2. i think you are able to keep your newborn inthe same room as you after birth. i never felt like this cuz where i gave birth they had put 3 bracelets on my son one was his name the other was my name and the other was a security band. but if you feel very paranoid i dont blame ya in a strange country where you dont understand much. i would take a snapshot of him/her right when he comes out and i would probly put a mark on the baby with a marker. not sure if that is safe but atleast i would know which one is mine

  3. Sneak in a permanent marker and make a mark in between the baby's toes or somewhere....

    lol, no im just kidding.

    Is there anyway you could find out the hospital policy now? Like if the baby stays with you or if they have a nursery? Start researching everything now so you can be prepared.

    I don't know why you wouldnt be able to put a bracelet but this is my first baby so I don't know how the hospital part works yet.

  4. In my area babies room in with the mommy, and is never away from you.  Even if they do take the baby they have id bracelets that only the parents share the number.  Everyone checks the numbers.  

    Lots of hospitals use alarms, so if the baby is taken out of the door or window, it will sound.

    Good luck, everything will be fine.   :)

  5. i think its normal to worry about that. it can and does happen... i worry about it often...

    i really don't want them to take her out of the room after i have her... if its even possible...

  6. take a stamp and ink pad and stamp him or her. its your baby and they cant tell you not to!!!!  

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