
I'm Pregnant at 17!! HELP!!?

by Guest57374  |  earlier

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Yes i know I'm stupid and i might have messed up my life. And don't judge my on this because i am a honors student ok and I'm graduating this year. I have no idea how to tell my mom, or even my boyfriend, are there any tips on childbirth or videos? I want to be prepared for when i give birth and no i will not get an abortion. I want to keep it. Yes I know what i am in for. I just have no idea on the whole labor part, if u could help a lil that would be nice.




  1. You poor thing, your just a child yourself. If you haven't been able to tell your family or boyfriend I would think you need help with that first. Hopefully you will have their support. If not, there are so many couples who are prepared to have a child but can't, please consider adoption. Good luck to you and your baby.

  2. you seem like you have a plan and you're sticking with it... so what are you asking us?

  3. OK hun, I got pregnant at 18 and I went through all this. It's gonna be hard trust me. But in the end I just came out with it to my mom, and then she told my dad (I didn't dare tell him myself). I found it more difficult to tell my boyfriend personally... but then one day when we were alone I told him about missing my period and that I'd taken a test and it had come out positive. At first he reacted OK, but then he backed out and tried to get me to get an abortion and I wouldn't get one. So he left me but he obviously wasn't worth staying with anyway if he wouldn't stick by me.

    Well labor is a pretty traumatic experience, and it's best to do some research first. And once you've told your mom get her to tell you about her experience.

    For me it was a 26 hour labor - yah I know, it was really hard work! I almost had to have a C-section but I waited and had a natural birth in the end. It hurt pretty bad, but after I'd had the gas and air stuff it wasn't so bad. You'll probly be a bit sore afterwards too and you've gotta give your body time to recover :)

    Good luck hun, and trust me, all the hard work will be worth it in the end and you won't regret your decision.

  4. First oof, congrats! You need to go to the Dr and start prenatal care right away, take your vitamines, eat healthy. Sit down and talk to your BF first then together (as long as parents dont hate BF) talk to your parents then his. As far as info, has great pregnancy info and message boards and so does Go to the library and check out some books and videos, you can also find alot on line even on you tube. Educate yourself about your body and baby right now, you have many months to learn about labor, techniques and everything carrying and carring for a baby entails. Its an amazing wonderful experience. Clearly it was meant to happen, Congratulations and good luck!

  5. I think it's very important that you tell your mom, because right now you are going to need the support more than you realize.  Just sit her down and be strong, tell her what has happened and that you've decided to keep the baby.  

  6. I have just found out I am pregnant and I'm scared too!! I'm only 22 and told my mum about 4 hours ago! She took it well and said she would support me. I know I'm older but I found saying "I have to tell you something, please don't be angry because I'm scared and need some help" It worked! If she starts to shout then I find saying you want a discussion and not an argument works too. I would tell your boyfriend first though, use the same calm tact. But tell your mum on youre own. I live in England and we have the NHS here, if you google the website they have some fantastic advice on what birth is like and how to stay healthy in youre pregnancy. I'm sure most of the content would be valid in America. Good Luck! x

  7. I wouldnt worry too much about labor advice yet.  Right now don't focus on that you have plenty of time to prepare.  First you want to tell your mom and boyfriend.  Tell your boyfriend first.  Let it sink in with him and ask him what he wants to do.  Figure otu a plan, who is going to work, how are you going to save money, where are you going to live, what about school etc.. T hen once the two of you figure it out, get ready to tell his parents and yours.  You both need to tell them TOGETHER.  Your parents may scream, shout, cry, and ask that ridiculous question "how did this happen" (refrain from any smart a*s remarks), and then they will start pounding you with questions.  They will start off asking where are you going to live, how are you two going to support yourselves, what about school, have those answers ready.  DO not sit there and say "I don't know," because that will scare your parents even more.  Have answers ready.  If you don't have an answer, never say you dont know, say something like "we have plenty of options and want to look further into each one."  They will see you two as taking the mature step.  It may seem scary to you to tell them now, but the storm will blow over and before you know it your mom will be taking you to buy baby clothes and items.  

    As for labor, well I strongly suggest to take any child birthing class.  It will help you understand all the phases of labor, what your body does, and how to handle it.  

  8. Just go to your local woman or child birth clinic. They will guide you along through the entire thing and they will do their best to make it easier on you. Plus you don't have to give your name unless you want too. Or talk to your mom or someone you know who can relate to the whole pregnancy thing. So you could get advice from someone who has been through it all.

  9. Hey sweetie, first off you have not messed up your life, and you are not stupid, everything happens for a reason. You sound like a bright girl, just be ready when you tell your mom, She is going to seem like she is mad, but really she is going to be hurt she might even cry, just let her that you are still going to college and that you know that you made a mistake, but a baby is a gift! Oh and about the child birth I have listed the sites at the bottom. By the way I was 16 when I was first pregnant. So I know how scared you might be. I graduated and went to college, I'm a nurse Now. GOOD LUCK! I would be praying for you

  10. First I want to say that it's impressive to see a young person take responsibility for their choices and still be strong enough to say "full steam ahead". Before telling your mother about this, you should research everything you can google on childbirth, budgets, childcare, etc. She will probably freak and ask what you plan on doing with this situation and you will impress her with a sound, logical plan for this baby. Youtube has labor videos but if you're looking for something a little more trusted, you should look up your local lamaze coach or midwife organization and they can get videos and education to you. Good look to you and remember to plan ahead, set aside money in a revolving account for a "just in case" fund, and enjoy every second of your baby, many of us can't even have one!

  11. I feel you better tell you mom and boyfriend, because the best person to ask is your mom since she has the experience and if you are very close to your mom and trust tell her she will be upset but if she loves she will support you in your decision and you will need support.  Your boyfriend should know also you shouldn't be alone don't hide it, you will feel a lot better once you get it off your chest.  Don't feel that you have the situation under control, because once that baby comes you are going to need all the help you can get from people who love you.  I wish you and your baby the best of luck.

  12. ur not stupid and u havent messed up ur life.. its going to be hard but ur being mature about the situation and stepping up to the plate.. if i were u i would first confirm the pregnancy like going to a gyn to get blood drawn .. but its always good to let ur parents and partner know.. just take it easy and sit them down  and explain the situation.. ur mom will probably be mad but if she loves u she will support u through this time.. there are many videos and books u can read.. i automatically bought the book " what to expect when you're expecting" its such a good book, shows u whats going on each week in ur pregnancy and answers alot of questions for ya.. just take it easy hun this is a blessing and ur doing a wonderful  thing by not having an abortion.. so i applaud u for that .. if u ever need to chat my email is im currently 30 weeks preggo and wouldnt mind answering any questions you got :) good luck and congrats !  

  13. Wow. I understand exactly how you feel.

    I just turned 18 and I'm also pregnant.

    First I want to say that I think its great that your going to take responsibility. Alot of girls our age don't step up to the challenge.

    Ummm...the best way to tell whoever, is to just be straightforward. What I did was walked up to my Mom, handed her my discharge paper from the ER saying I was pregnant and then ran out of the room like crazyyy. lol.

    There is probably nothing you can do to prepare them.

    As far as videos, I really like

    Just click on one of the links on the left side for whatever videos you want to watch.

    Good luck and congrats. =]

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