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I'm currently a sophomore in high school and last year i got pretty low with stuff that was going on in my family and i really got into hardcore music, i used to be i guess preppy? and now i''m really into the whole scene look...and it's not like "Oh i just wanna look like that" it's like every bit of me wants to do all that fun stuff with my hair and since i'm a sophomore i'm afraid i'll be called a poser....

I've always dressed very BOLD and BRIGHT and i want to take it a bit further, but it'd really suck to be called a poseur just cuz i wasnt like this before, but i'm prepared for it to happen cuz let's face it. KIDS ARE MEAN. but i was just looking for advice, PLEASE HELP




  1. I think you shouldn't worry so much about what people would think because everyone is just so different with opinions and either way scene or not someone will humiliate you.

    So just go for it, if it makes you happy and you feel as if it's you then it's you. Honestly I look at that as if, people change through time and they go through different stages in their life for a little while believing that's how they are but it's just the moment, it doesn't make you a poser. You won't be scene forever, maybe in a couple of years you will completely change because that's just how life is, it doesn't make you a poser. It just reflecting your new personality.

    The problem with people is that since we are so stereotypical we all think that all scene kids think their hardcore, are super cocky, and super mean. But as long as you prove everyone your a great person and your style is just a lifestyle everyone will back off and respect you.

    Don't worry about anything, look cute and be a great person I guarantee everything else will be fine =]

  2. My friend and I feel the SAME exact way.

    Kinda weird lol.

    Dont change instantly, because people are cruel and probably will call you a poser.

    Just change a little at a time. Like maybe start wearing certain shirts, then pants, shoes etc.

    Then finally cut your hair a few months into school.

    Or if you want you can just change before school starts, and maybe people will figure you've changed over the summer..just dont make TOO big of a change.

    Its kinda sad that we cant wear and do what we want now a days because of mean people. =\ lol.

  3. totally relate to you! i have always been preppy with the polos and everything and then one day i got a rolling stones teel and skinny jeans, then i was into the prep/punk and so far noone has called me a poser. and now i have really been into the scenething i always have been but was too scared for ppl and my friends to be judging me (my close friends wouldnt but idk) i would say go for it! i think i should wait a while because i am only 13

    good luck and i dont think that would be poser

  4. I know what you mean. I guess I am what you would call "emo" but I am so amazed and impressed by the scene girl's hair; its amazing. I am inspired by such pics (ircha_fairy_rock pics are AMAZING) and thinking about adding some similar style pieces to my own wardrobe.

    Do what you want and don't let anyone stop you. People are always going to call other people "posers" and such, but they are the ones who are insecure about their image.

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