
I'm SAD....=[ (serious answers)?

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So I'm sorry in advanced if this turns out to be long and rambling, but I really need someone to vent/talk to right now.

My mom isn't the type of mom that's kind and affectionate. All people (and my therapist) have been telling me to do is to live through it and bare it because I only have one more year before I move out etc.

I admit I say some pretty mean things to her, and she does to me, but I know we don;t mean them. I really would like to have a better relationship with her, b/c she's sick and you never know, but for this entire month (even on my birthday) she's been so snappy and mean towards me.

When I ask he a question she ignores me. When I ask to spend time with her (lately I've been asking her if she wants to go to the movies) she'll totally blow me off, yet complains/assumes that I don't love her b/c of the way I act ect.

The truth is she really makes me so depressed and idk how much more I can take




  1. so, whats the question.

  2. Awh, I'm sorry.

    And I feel you... I once babysat a girl that was like that... She was 6 years old... And seriously wanted me to adopt her or call social services for her cause her mom hated her. It was terrible to watch... and finally I called and now her mom, wants her back adn she makes the decision... And she won't go back....

    But I'm really sorry... Just tell her... "I love you but lately... I've realised you don't love me and I don't even know why I bother." She'll feel bad and possibly be nicer.

  3. I had a VERY similar relationship with my Mum. It started when I was about 14 and I had to live with her for the next 4 years of this h**l. I'm 18 now and I've moved out and we have a better relationship.

    It's a two way relationship and if you both don't try to make it work, then it's not going to happen. I can tell you're trying, and she's not making it easy for you. But remember you can't change her behavior or the way she acts, you can only change yourself.

    When you get into a fight or something, just walk away. Don't let your mouth and your anger get the worst of you. Go to your room or go for a walk. Tell your Mum you don't feel like talking when you're in this mood because you sometimes say things you don't mean. She might learn from your good example.

    I sometimes think that parents forget what it's like to be around hundreds of people each day like when you're at school. You couldn't exactly get away with talking to your teachers like the way she talks to you.

    Tell your Mum that you'd like to spend some time together, but if she can give you the time and place you'll do your best to get there. That way she can choose when it suits her.

    If she still isn't interested then forget it. I know it's hard, but she's not worth it. When you move out she'll realize that she's made a mistake and I think you guys will have a much better relationship.


  4. i think shes pushing u away becuz shes afraid of losing u. i'd suggest trying harder.. theres something bothering her but its not u... wait.. maybe shes upset that ur leaving soon.. talk to her.. try harder

  5. The reason people say "focus on one year" is because that is something you and you alone can control.

    Getting your mom to totally change her way of dealing with you... at best you can only control maybe 1/3rd.  You control what you do; your mom controls what she thinks and how she feels about what she thinks.

    In the past, I've been in the chorus of people telling you to focus on what you control 100%.  If you feel you must try to change how your mom is, That can be done, but it's much harder.  After all, you only control 1/3 of that.

    If you want to know how to have a better chance of influencing your mother to be a mom, I suggest my 2 usual suggestions on handbooks to getting people to do what you want them to do.

  6. just say mom i really need to talk to u this is getting way out of hand..... sit down and tell her that u are leaving and u dotn want to not hae a good relasionship....E-mail me i will listen i am pretty good at answering to

  7. Im sorry sweetie. I know what its like to have a mom like that. My mom is an alcoholic and the only thing she cares about is drinking. When I lived with her we fought all the time. And im sure it does make you depressed. Maybe you should just have her sit down and talk to her. Tell her how you feel, and maybe she will understand..

    Email me if you want, i will listen to you and try to help =]

    xoxo Jadee♥

  8. Probably she knows you are moving out soon and is also upset about that. My mom tends to say mean things also. I think because we want so badly to be accepted by our parents it means more to us when they insult us. I would say if something she says bothers you confront it right there and then.And say why it bothers you.

  9. It's ok, I mean not all parents are nice and kind and kids do go through a hard time. Go to a counselor, that should help.

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