
I'm SOOOOO Nervous? What Do I say. What Do I Do?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my kinda-crush were talking, and I aksed him who he liked. He said no one what about you.

I want to tell him that I like him, becuase I just want to know. Usually when a boy asks who you like he saying <'say me!!>

I want to tell him so badly,but I'm so nervous. I have this big pit in my tummy!

If he tells me he doesnt like me, how can we still be friends???




  1. It&#039;s entirely possible that he said no one because the person he likes is you.  I don&#039;t think it would ruin your friendship to tell him you like him as more than a friend.  Tell him and ask him if he likes you as more than a friend.  After you answer those questions you can both decide together whether to try and date or stay as just friends.

    p.s.  I have personal experience with this kind of thing though I was sixteen at the time,  we dated, we broke up when I went to college and we stayed friends, I even liked one of his girlfriends since me.  no big deal.

  2. I&#039;d tell him

    I told my crush i have now that i liked him and hey guess what

    he likes me too =D

    but we aren&#039;t dating cuz he&#039;s worried what it will do to my brother because he&#039;s my brothers best friend lol

    but uh yeah, just tell him

    and if he doesn&#039;t like you back, i&#039;m sure he&#039;ll be cool with being friends

    most guys are...unless you like a geeky chick but you probably not

    good luck

  3. awwwwww, your growing up!

    your even using big words like &quot;tummy&quot; i mean, i don&#039;t even think three year olds say that, your like eight now right?

  4. Hard question: Am trying to think what I would do.. What I would do is tell him that I like him and if he feels the same way awesome but if he doesn&#039;t then I would be like oh well but I don&#039;t think I&#039;ll be friends with him and their are like other fishes in the sea.

    The answer ontop of me is a good one

  5. PLEASE don&#039;t say haha i&#039;m joking... what a doof... well... to eliminate the awkward feeling, you could email, or do the old fashion &quot;pass a note&quot; thing which i think was eliminated thanks to the age of txtng. Ignore the immature dork about &#039;big words&#039;. He just needs to find someone to pick on for self amusement and to make himself feel big and badass...

    But crushes come and go, if you come out with it and it doesnt go your way, it&#039;ll take a while, but you&#039;ll get over it and when you&#039;re 27 you&#039;ll laugh with friends saying remember whats-his-face.. at least i do ;)

  6. don&#039;t tell him.  wait for him to tell you that he likes you because if he doesn&#039;t like you then your relationship would be kind of awkward

  7. be like

    &quot;i like you....&quot;

    if he says anything just be like

    &quot;haha jokes!! :P&quot;

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