
I'm Scared about Middle school!!! What is it like????

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Ok last year I skiped 5th grade and I went to 6th grade. I'm moving to PA. And where I'm going is a really small town. And they combined 7th and 8th with high school. I got told by my cosins that the seniors are SCARY!!!! And I'm freaken out I swear!!! I'll be going back and forth between CO. and PA. but everything is different here than out in PA.

So I'm saying what is it like???

I'm not scared of the work but the tall people!!!!

I'm 11 and 5 foot every1 else in my grade is 5'8!!!!!!


Plezz tell me hat it is like!!!

ADVICE ANY 1 !!!!!!!!!!




  1. lol kids are funny..but anyhoo..nobody really likes have fun!

  2. You'll be fine =)

    I also skipped a grade, so I know how you feel. Trust me, middle school is a little scary at first, but soon you'll get right over it.

    I can give you a little run down on how things work.

    7th grade...

    -the routine of middle school will have set in

    -You will make even more friends

    -You will most likely get an elective and enjoy it alot(like drama, art, or band)

    -you should participate in anything you can (make some good memories)

    -you won't be able to wait till you become an 8th grader

    8th grade...

    -You will feel like you're on top of the school

    -your list of friends will be really long

    -parties, hang outs, and dating usually start in this time

    -you will most likely be really good at your elective

    -SOO many great memories

    -When it comes time to leave, you really won't want to

    -You'll always remember those years, and sometimes want to go back to them

    So, in a nutshell

    you'll be fine! relax and enjoy the ride.  make new friends, and memories. And make the most of it while you can!!

    -also, the high schoolers will most-likely have gone through the same process as you, so don't think that they'll be super mean or anything like that.

  3. im 6ft 4 and i love squishing all you little people! GRRR

  4. omg that will be hard but dont worry there will be people as short as you not many but a few

  5. They are going to rip on you and tease you and call you shorty and small fry and midget, so you have to make some alliances the first day. Its alot like prison.

  6. Relax. I never had "middle school" (private kindergarden - eighth grade school...), but it's not going to be much different.

    And being 11 going into 6th grade is normal.... were you held back before?


    Oh. Gotchya. I was 11 in 7th, too!

  7. well i just went into 7th grade this year and it is scary at first but after you get to know people and make friends you are fine you start to feel like your apart of the school you get the odd person teasing you but that happends evreywhere and bashing up but as long as you dont make too many higher graded emermys you will be fine and if some one does threaten to bash you or somthing tell a teacher staright away

    even if they do say sont you dare tell a teacher if you do it will just teach them that you will go tell some one  so dont be scared just rememeber make friends NOT emermys

  8. the girls are 5'8" in 7th grade? what's in the water there?  i was about the same height as u in 7th grade and so was everyone else.  it's not that much different.  also they usually call 7th and 8th grade junior high school. middle school is 5th and 6th.  at least that's what it was called in the area of pa that i grew up in.  good luck and i'm sure you'll have lots of fun!

  9. Don't be scared.

    Your cousins are just tryin to scare you.

    You will make some friends and forget that you even moved.

    Good Luck :)

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