
I'm Scared of Spiders...?

by  |  earlier

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So i went to bed and I'm watching TV and I see a spider coming down from the ceiling, and I jumped up, turned on the light and I have know idea were it went, its been about half an hour. Do you think it went away or is it still there?




  1. There is NO logical reason to be afraid of spiders.  99.9% of all spiders are harmless.

    No matter how big or fearsome a spider is, YOU are bigger, stronger, and smarter.  So why be afraid?

    Spiders do a great deal of good, and benefit our world and the environment in helping to keep it healthy and strong.  Did you know that if it were not for spiders we probably wouldn't be here?  Spiders, in and around your home, help rid you of pests like flys, aphids, mosquitoes, cockroaches,  crickets, termites, etc.  Would you rather have "one" little spider in your home, or "100" cockroaches?  Think about that.

  2. i dont mind spiders, they eat al the other creepy **** around the house

  3. It happens to many of us when we watch a movie we do get dreams of it but it doesn't mean that you should develop a fear about them.

    Many people find spiders repulsive and scary, yet the majority of spiders are harmless and beneficial.

    So let's take a good look at these creatures and address our fears. Consider how much bigger you are than a spider and that spiders probably can't even see you.

    Although spiders typically have eight eyes, many have poor eyesight.

    Spiders pose no real threat to us. In fact, you can appreciate spiders for their significant contribution to insect control.

  4. it went away to u

  5. its probablly still there waiting for you to get back into bed and then its gonna bite your neckand youll die!!!!!!

    no but seriously id sleep on the couch tonight. spiders scare the hello out of me.

  6. UGH, I hate spiders. I'd search every nook and cranny, shoe or zapper in hand, and if it's not anywhere, yay. If I find it, I kill it. Actually it depends on the spider. If it's black with a red hourglass on it's back, I scream and run for the hills and never come back. If it's brown and BIG, pretty close to the same thing. If it's small and black, kill it. If it's brown and small, kill it. If it's white and small, shrug and kill it.

    Hope this helps!

  7. It's probably scared of you and hiding under your bed waiting for you to go to sleep so it can get out of your room. If you leave it alone it will leave you alone but make sure that it's not a brown recluse because they  or poisines and can cause terrible pain from a bite.

    You can tell if it's a brown recluse because it will have the shape of  a fiddle or violin  on it's back but other spiders have similar markings so go to this website and see how to distinguish them from common houshold spiders. Here's a website with pictures. If it is one take your shoe and smash the h**l out of it. If it's not and if your still scared take your shoe and smash the h**l out of it anyway.

  8. Its still there.  You are going to live with spiders the rest of your life.  Learn which ones are dangerous and learn to live with the rest.  At least be able to move them outside where they belong.

  9. Its prob still there, spray insectide on your self and wear a scuba mask, and spray those deadly toxic spider killing things.

    that should do the trick.

    it'll floop out onto the floor dead, and prob still quivering one of its legs, and flush it down the loo or drop it on that annoeying granny who sings so early in the morning downstairs.

  10. it may be there, there is no way of knowing but here are your options, suck it up and deal with it, get a cat to eat the little critters, or never go to bed for th e rest of your life and be paranoid about every spider that you see.

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