
I'm Scared of the Future! Help!?

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I'm really scared as to what my future is going to be like...I'm afraid that I might die an early death, be caught in some kind of scary war. I'm afraid that humanity isn't going to be around very long, and that it might die out while I'm around.

Is there any positive help around here? The future of our world is one of the things that scares me the most, that people are going to be stuck on Earth forever, and never get away from here to prosper on other planets.





  1. Stop scaring yourself ! Live in the Present Moment. And stop worrying. Put your worries in 2 categories. Things you can change and things you can not. The things you can change, Change them. The things you can not change forget them.

    And "What If" thinking is and error in thinking. What if you live your whole life and none of these things happen.

    This "What If" thinking is making you Anxious.

    And yes depression will follow. See anxiety represses the brains ability to make Serotonin, a chemical that we need in order  to keep from becoming depressed.

    My future in in God's hands.  The bible says be anxious for nothing!

    My God made the heavens and the earth. I have a peace that passes all understanding. No matter what happens I know I am safe. Because he is in control!

  2. That's a lot of worrying on something that you personally don't have any control over. Stay in school maybe you can change some part of it and enjoy life.

  3. Go to church and find God. Fear is not the answer, Faith is. Believe me, I would be in your shoes without God in my life.

  4. Geez...why are you worrying over something you have no control over.  The only thing you should be concerned about is what you are doing right now.  What are the positive things you are doing in your life?  Don't get caught up on the "what if's" and the "could be's" in life.  If you do, you will stifle yourself and your potential.

  5. lol, honestly i've thought like that quite a bit too.  you're not alone

    I think like "wtf??  why is it in MY lifetime that this has to happen?? why can't i just enjoy life for my time???"

    and while i do think about it, honestly i am more scared about not getting a good carreer, and living a full life.

    i'm scared to wake up at 85, and regret every day i've lived.

  6. Dear child for do not be afraid of the future.  Dont be stuck in your own drama.  Everything will be well I promise.  The earth might not look so good right now but slowely it will get better.  Earth will be very prosperous.  Humanity will be just fine dont worry everything is under control.  See to it that the earth shall not end.  Many generations will come long after weve all left.  The earth and all its living things shall be healed.  Slowely, but healed none the less.  Dont be afraid everything will be fine.  God bless.

  7. Holy cow, now you are scaring the h**l out me. Seriously, If you live in the free world you got it made, you never see Britney Spears, Paris Hilton or Lindsey Lohan worrying about the future and they have a lot more than most of us have to lose.  Just keep your eye on those chicks if you see them worrying then it's okay for you to worry otherwise relax and have a glass of wine.    

  8. Us worriers always tend to thing about stuff like this.  Death is uncertain even more when its most distant. The reason we can't prosper on other planets is because we won't survive there. Most likely humanity will stay the same, not much worse or better.

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