
I'm So Confused!! Pleaz Help Me!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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okay, ya my cosin says that i dont need help because i stopped cutting myself 4 months ago but i stll have urges and i have the urge to kill myself but i think that i need help because i want this urges to stop but, i cant tell but to cut and do other things i thought i would never do now i think im starting to starve myself. i need help i though that that but i'm looking for the perfect question to help me with all my answrs like why cant i tell my mom?, how do i get help without anyone knowing that im getting like my moher nd the rest of my family i cant tell them it wont work out it'll just get worse and then i'll end up killing myself i dont find life enjoyable and i cant help to want to take a knife and start doing things to myself like cutting or worse. my cosin helped me for about 4 months but now hes starting to get a little worried he started to make a face at me when we started talking about it it face to face to me i think he fels guilty becaus when i talked to him about 3 years ago about this problem he tried to convents me to killing my self and cutting he didnt really care at first then we started get to know each other and now hes the only thing keeping me alive is him really but, now i think he just feels guilty that he tried to kill me and now that i have problem that he thinks that he might have started when he should of told me "no". but i love my cosin and he loves me too and doesnt want me to die. i dont know if i can feel happiness exspect when i laugh but people hate it when i laugh so i try not to but, now im thinking if im just saying if i love my cosin or i really love him in a cosin way only people, not a love story. so im thinking about getting help but im not to sure if i should or not i dont want my family to know at all about the cuitting, i need the right answr. should i die???? should i tell my mom or not????, should i stop talking to my cosin even though hes trying to help me the best way he can???, should i get help??? OMG THIS IS SO CONFUSING....... PLEASE HELP ME.




  1. You need to get help, tell your mom, and go and see a doctor. There must be a reason that you feel like this, so a doctor or therapist will be able to help with what your feeling, and the problems you're having

  2. Hi, I'm also confused now.  Are you saying that your cousin TRIED TO KILL YOU!?!?!?!  If so, or he told you to kill yourself, how on earth can he love you?  

    It sounds like you both need some help.  Please speak to your GP or if you don't feel confident enough to do that then contact the suicide helpline.  Do you suffer from mental illness - diagnosed/undiagnosed?  

    The thoughts that you are having are not 'normal'.  Please get help before it all gets outta control.

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