
I'm So Tired Of Life?...?

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I will start High School in is exiting..but soo nervous! I am shy and have bad self-confidence,that's why I took theater ,but also to be famous.. ^^

Now I live alone,sometimes my aunts and my dad use to visit me and call me if I'm ok. My mum is traveling to our home-country..and I feel a bit know..

I'm tired of school,tired of rules,tired of everything! Life these days are so complicated! I don't wanna be 16 years old,cause I'm still childish and they say to me to grow up! And soon,the adult life for me is coming and work these days are hard to find! My family in my home-country are poor and sometimes my mum has economic problems because of that,I haven't even work to earn money! Sometimes I feel,I wish I could help my family too...and that's why I would love to be a famous actor for my family and so they could be proud of me,but I don't know if my shyness allow that...

You know,sometimes I just want to live like animals! They're careless and free...have you ever felt the same?




  1. Of course I've felt the same as you do, actually often times I do feel this way now. I remember when I was 16 years old, life was very up and down...i was going thru new things and I was changing and developing new parts of my personality.

    I have said "i'm so tired of everything" many, many times. And it's a very legit thing to feel. School always got annoying when I was in HS and rules, well, rules are unecessary. The truth is, life is tiering (sry if i mispelled) things will get you down and then things will make you happy, that seems to be the cycle. I'm shy also sometimes, and it seems like that can stand in the way, but being an actor and going to acting classes can really help you to break out of the'll make you more confident and uninhibited :)

    Animals can have it quite rough too..they have to hunt for food, make sure no other animal steals it from them, care for their family, make sure no other animal eats one of their kids...finding shelter during the cold weather...oh and also avoid being hunted by a i don't know. The grass may seem greener on the other side, but that's only for certain things during certain points of time.

    Sorry, i know i talked a lolt lol. but i totally get how you feel, life can get annoying and boring and a lot of time you feel like just throwing your hands up in the air and just saying WHATEVER! and it's ok, you should do that, it's part of life.

    Feel better :)

  2. Well animals aren't careless and free when they have to hunt for their food and it's now or never and its live or die trying to live.


    You see in those situations animals have all of this adrenaline rushing through their body, as I'm sure you've learnt, and this is what helps them run faster and suffer more damage etc.

    When you go up on that stage, you get exactly the same thing my friend.

    The adrenaline is rushing and your body goes into fight or flight mode.

    Because we don't have to go hunting for our food, when we get this built up stress it is harder to release it. Sad for us, but if you are in that situation then you aren't in a life and death situation, so all in all, YOU are the one who has a careless and free life.

    Enjoy it.

    Put everything into your plays and enjoy the adrenaline rush, it helps you know your alive.

    I'm 17 and I've just finished the first year of college, and I have the mental age of... 6 years old maybe.

    I am EXTREMLY childish. And I love it. I'm making it my goal to prove to the world that growing up doesn't entail being stressed and sacraficing your happiness for money and your freedom for others.

    Whatever I want I'll make sure I get it by staying as innocent and optimistic as I am now.

    You will always be more maturethan others if you can keep your original personality, accept it, and use it to your advantage.

    More than that, when people tell you to grow up you can laugh at them. Those people think that when you've 'grown up' you are somehow better. Those kinds of people are the type that assume they are right, and everyone else is wrong, in my experience. Whereas people like us are more willing to LEARN. That's being truely mature.

    Well, when you think about the prospects of bills and taxes and families and more responsibilities, that's not a fun idea. But I think more childish people will do better. Children are proven as being more adaptive than adults.

    Keep your childishness and maybe it can help you in adapating to those kinds of things and may make it easier for you.

    Do well and make yourself proud my friend. lol

    I sure will. :P

  3. I wish I too could live like an animal although they dont have all that easy either. But whenever I feel down I turn to a nice tall glass of Dewars on the rocks that usually makes me feel better.  

  4. yes. i would like to live like a duck at the local park. swim in lake and relax all day long. like a fun michael phelps duck. just swim and enjoy life.

  5. Hello Erik!

    Sometimes, life is very complicated. And at that point, we believe that the bad life will never end. But, actually, is only a phase. And for all stages there is a beginning, middle and end.

    I never spent by financial problems, but I understand perfectly how this is badly.

    It is a horrible feeling when we feel useless and incapable. When someone needs us, but unfortunately we can not do anything.

    As I mentioned earlier, this is a brief phase.

    One day everything will improve, just have faith and strength of will. Never give up!

    For you: you do not think the change would be better profession. Because you be shy, be it an actor working with limited chances. Shyness and performance do not go together.

    There are several studies that are arising, and you can earn good money, not only actor, and furthermore, "famous". This is more difficult to find any other work. Actor is one of the group difficult, "and shy", the degree of difficulty rises.

    Good luck!

    Peace in your heart!

  6. NOPE!

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