
I'm Starting A New School Tomorrow And I Need Help Making New Friends?

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I'm Starting A New School In A Different Country Tomorrow And Need Help to Make Friends. I'm Already In The Country But I Don't Know Who People In The School Are, Its A Year 7 And 8 Class.




  1. Just be urself, and remember, its better to fake confidence than to have none!

    remember to talk alot and be part of alot of groupsM

    good luck, first days are always hard : )

    answer mine?;...

  2. A more concrete idea is to take a bag of candy to bring out at lunch.  If you can, sit near someone you recognize from one of your classes.  Offer some candy to everyone you are sitting near.  

    While people are helping themselves, ask

    1. their name

    2. what teachers they have


    1. take out your schedule

    2. ask for their opinion of your teachers.  (Don't necessarily believe everything they say, the object is to make conversation.)

  3. Well it is pretty simple you know.

    Just go there and concetre on School

    Friends will come by themselves so calm down and you will see how easy it is

  4. Act confident.  People will size you up and treat you the way you act like you are.  If you act like the shy kid who was picked on at their last school, they'll pick up on it and do the same.

  5. Be very sweet and nice first off and maybe as well join as many clubs as possible cause then u have to socialize with 2 whoever u sit next to just random questions like so whats this school like....whats there to do around here...any teachers 2 look out 4...stuff like that....good luck

  6. join clubs, focus on school first and friends will come to you. i felt the same when i was new and try to meet people that you find alike. Dont let your shyness get to you, and make friends with a locker mate, thats the first step. just say "hi, im new here" and then see what happens. you may be surprised on how nice people can be. Good luck!

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