
I'm Tall and people Make Fun Of Me! What can I do?

by Guest32858  |  earlier

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People are making fun of me just because I'm tall and now I'm going to the Sixth Grade and I'm going to a new school and a new year...and for Grade Five I was the new Student In The School and I don't want to be Teased again...I just cant Stand it anymore..people calling me Daddy long legs and everything and I cant stand it I end up in fights with them and stuff and I'm always the one who gets in trouble as much as I try to stay outta it they always try as hard to me into it and make me pissed and make me get in trouble...but some people like me cause they Think I'm nice and I am Nice but other don't see that and there the ones making fun of me...=(

Can Someone Please Please Please Help Me...I cant get through The New Year for 08-09 With Out Knowing How I can Solve this and I'm hoping to Stop Growing soon Cause I cant Take it. =( :'(




  1. I had the same problem but don't let them get you down. Someday they're gonna wish they had your height. If they make fun of you just ignore it because one day they're going to regret it when they cant reach the top shelf. Maybe some of them are jealous cause they wish they were tall. i hope it works out for you.

  2. Tell them they have to speak up because you can't hear them, if you keep saying that, they won't ever get the response they are looking for from you, and they will either get frustrated and start yelling (making a spectacle of themselves), or they might just leave you alone.  Be proud of who you are, and don't let the children bug you about trivial things.

  3. Look down on them.

  4. I used to be the tallest in my school but then the guys catch up and everything is fine :)

    Being tall is great and you will learn to love it :)

  5. being tall is a blessing.  s***w them

  6. When I opened this question and clicked on 'Answer', no one else had answered it but, I know everyone would answer you with "Ignore them" or "They're jealous" or "I'm sure you're very pretty" and so on. But me, I'm going to give you the best advice anyone will ever give you. I took this from the movie 'The secret', and it really is deep and the most useful thing you will ever watch/read (it has a book if you like). It tells you that you can actually change the world by using the most powerful thing in the universe, your mind. The world works like you want it. Whatever you put your mind to will happen. If you go to school and you can actually imagine people making fun of you, that's EXACTLY what will happen. If you go to school and actually imagine people being nice to you and not making fun of you, that's EXACTLY what will happen. You can be whatever you want in the world. I can't explain all this in words. You really have to watch the movie. It will change your life, forever.

    Don't forget to buy it ;)

    I hope I helped, I really think I did :)

  7. I had a great long answer here for you and I just lost it!  I was also VERY tall all through school, and had your experiences.,  Please email me if you are interested and will send you a long email about how to deal with this.  I'm so sorry you have to go through this--I'd like to help.  I was one of the tallest in all my classes and stopped growing at 6/ 4" at age 16.  So I know!  

  8. I was short growing up and had big ears so I know how much the teasing would bother you. All you have to do is ignore these people. They weren't properly raised by their parents and will probably have some crappy job in the future. Focus on your studies and being tall has many advantages. Your a good hearted person and you know you wouldn't make fun of anyone because you know how hurtful it can make someone feel. You've already realized this lesson and your showing more maturity then those others. Be above them and don't stoop down to their level. You can get through this and your life will be great after these years of adversity. When you join us in the real world you will see that the world is full of many wonderful people who will appreciate you for whats in your heart and not how you look. Hang in there sweetie!

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