
I'm Terrified! Pls HELP! About Imp. Bleeding?

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Ok. Ok. I am really annoying. But i just can't help asking questions. Here's the real deal:

I am only 19 years old and not ready to be a mother. My menstrual cycle varies from 28, 29, 30 or even 35 days. I usually have brownish discharges 2 weeks or 1 week prior to my period. My boyfriend and i had s*x on the 22nd and 23rd day of August this year. I had my last menstruation on July 8, 2008.

However, this month, i am having brownish discharges. 2 days ago i had light brown discharges. And today, i am having Very dark brown discharges and could only fill about 1/3 of a panty liner. Along with this, i have the usual feeling of being bloated around the abdominal area.

After reading tons and TONS of entries about implantation bleeding, i am having doubts that i might be having one! My period is due in a week and my anxiety level is rising! Please please please help!!!




  1. You must have miss wrote a date. If your last period was on July 8th you should have recieved your period around August 7th. If you have not then you are most likely already pregnant from last month and are about 7 weeks pregnant . I doubt it is implantation bleeding becouse that occurs about 10-14 day's after conception and you would have concieved somewhere around July 22 therefore the implantation bleeding would have occured somewhere within the first week of August. If your last MP was actually in August then you could be pregnant now and would be around 2-3 weeks pregnant since you had intercourse right on the dates you would have ovulated. In that case it might be implantation bleeding depending on your actual date of your last MP. Or it might just be from rough intercourse since you had it about a week ago and it's brown wich means it's old blood. My best advice to you is to go see your doctor to confirm if you are pregnant since you didn't say you had a period in August and if you did get it in August and just made a mistake you should still see your doctor if you don't get your period at the end of next week. I've included the two sites the first being a due date calulator so you can see for your self how far along you may be and the second a place to track your cycles. It also has calulators there's one that will tell you when your most likely to ovulate and when your most fertile day's are. Good luck.

  2. Just  wait to see if your period comes.  That's all you can do.  What's done is done.

  3. See your doctor immediately to put your mind at ease. Thats what they are there for. Good luck

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