
I'm Trying to Become an Officer?

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h**l there.

I'm currently in High School going to be a Senior once I go back into school after summer. I'm wondering though, to become an officer, police officer and later move on the ranks, what major should I pick? Criminal Justice or Crimonology? I'm not really sure. I'd appreciate much help. Also, if you know what schools, that'll be awesome! Thanks so much!




  1. most law enforcement agencies don't care what you major in as long as you have a degree call your local agencies and ask them i am sure there is one that you want to work for if it does not matter then get a degree in some thing else its always good to have some thing to fall back on

  2. Criminalogy is better,b/c you can learn the criminal justice system on the job. With criminalogy you can work in crime scene investgation which is crucial now in prosecutions. Now if you can take a criminal justice course in your senior year it will certainly help you. But what you should really do is , join a poplice explorer program in your area !

  3. criminal justice is easier but if i were you i would pick criminolgy

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