
I'm Up for a raise...need advice on Cost of Living vs. Performance Raises?

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I am up for a raise in July. I want to go into my new boss with ammunition. I know my old boss put into my file a recommendation to give me a 4% raise. I got an amazing review and since he left, my workload has doubled and my responsibilities have grown.

I would like a 10% increase (I know there is a slim chance but I figure if they want to give me 4 and I ask for 10, maybe I will get 6 or 7?)

I looked on the Internet and I see that people keep saying a Cost of Living increase is 3.2% but no one says where they get that figure and if the VERY HIGH increase in gas and all the other sudden increases is included in that...or from what year that figure was taken.

If anyone can help me with great reasons to get a larger raise, any statistics (I live on Long Island in NY and my rent is HALF my take home pay per month!) that could support it, I would very much appreciate it (esp if you can point me to websites that I can quote). THANKS!

I work for a non-profit.




  1. Cost of living is usually based on inflation...this year I think it is around 4%, so even though the gas and food are higher, it's really not inflation that is causing it, so that really won't e good ammunition.  Cost of living is usually a standard raise, performance is based on how good you are.  Your ammunition will be all your accomplishments.  Write it all down like you were writing your own letter of recommendation...and that is what you present at your review!  Good luck!

  2. Seriously, go in there asking for more.  At worst, they'll say no and you can work on negotiating a lower raise.  At best, they might say yes!  

    I'd high-ball the cost of living increase at 5%.  Then I'd tack on an additional 5 - 10% performance increase for a combined 10 - 15% raise and give justification for the raise.  Best of luck!

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