
I'm Wanting to move to Ireland?

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i want to move to ireland in 6 to 7 years or so.. right now i live in United States. what are some things i should think or know about before movin to ireland? if you are wondering why i want to move to ireland its because i think its a pretty place and I've always wanted to live somewhere other than the USA. so please help! thanks!




  1. It is a Beautiful Country Slightly Warmer in the South by two or Three Degrees Celsius usually. House Prices are Dearer in Dublin than elsewhere i n the Country, Because of the Subprime Market in the States it has Affected  The Stock Market in Europe and Elsewhere and has Affected the Amount of Credit available to the Banks and Mortgage Lenders here and so has forced the Price of Housing downwards a little. So now is a good time to try and buy a House here .It still is very Dear Housing in Southern Ireland. Renting Housing in Dublin is Dearer so it is Cheaper all round outside Dublin. If you are a College Graduate or if you are Skilled at Something like in the Health Service Profession, or Information Technology, or Secretarial Work,I think you would be neary Guaranteed a Job. Contact the Irish Embassy to find out your Requirments for a Work Visa and General Advice also I think your Own Government  Services about Tax ,Health etc. You will be very welcome in Ireland no matter where you go, Preferably it would be best if you stayed outside Dublin anywhere on the Coast as it is the nicest,but you have to go where the Jobs are and that is usually in the Cities.

  2. i love ireland and i have been to a few places in other countrys but nothing compares to home sweet home.....i would love to live in the countryside ,away from dublin some times.....Ireland has the most friendly people and you will be at home in weeks..most of the irish love americans any way so if you move to a small town you will welcomed with open arms( say in wicklow near dublin but much more easy going and its close to the irish seaside would be a great place to make new friends)and now you have one already :)

  3. Um, it's kinda cold much of the year, but it is stunningly beautiful........I have spent the most time in Northern Ireland, and I find it to be charming and lovely...and the people are wonderful. I especially loved Ballycastle....a seaside town that is absolutely the best!!

  4. Oh! Me too. Thanks for asking this question. I'm only 15, but want to go to college there and live there when I graduate high school (so probably in the same amount of time as you). I'd be doing it by myself and I don't have a clue on how I am going to make that possible! People ask why Ireland? But it's the same as you, I just think it's so pretty and I have always wanted to live there and I am really sick of Colorado and the USA

  5. Just come when you are ready, and you  will love it here.  You might find it expensive, with the euro having a higher value than the dollar.  Don't bring electrical appliances  -  we have a different voltage here.  Come, and welcome.  We are friendly, and mostly we don't bite.

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